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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. Don't have to park mine live a mile from work truck usually last 3 weeks on a tank unless i decide to it out everyonce in a while. Weekends we cruise in the :dance: soccer van
  2. the pics are going thru kanab it's all paved
  3. I' ve never gone the short way but pulling a hauler i'd rather go on pavement as long as possible
  4. Hey capt i think i did alright without the kid present i really would have effed up if i did it online and had to deal with trying to return the stuff
  5. Here YA GO CAPT !!! Now don't get lost 7.53 miles to turn off :shout: turn left J/K NO SERIOUSLY TURN LEFT
  6. And your point is it's a cool little town to check out as your headed to coral
  7. I'm so glad this pile burned down what an eye soar actually the area it is (or was) in besides chevron is an eye soar.
  8. The only way i have been is thru kanab so that's the way were headed also stop in colorado city for some squeeky cheese from the dairy farm
  9. you can do better than that nobody makes me break my own spoon !! :stir:
  10. No really i wuz just really suprised to go into a dealership and not see but maybe 10 pairs of adult pants and 10 jerseys no effin boots but 3 Then go to a brand new huge dealer and see mainly all adult clothing . No selection what so ever for the kids ( DON'T YOU THINK THEY WOULD CARRY A LARGER VARIETY OF CLOTHING FOR KIDS SINCE THEY SALE KIDS BIKES ) (= EXTRA SALES+PROFIT AT THE TIME OF SALE OF A NEW BIKE). I found everything at cycle gear on pecos which i did'nt even know they exsisted on pecos (thanks dan) people were pleasant on the phone and in person. Plus it's hard to drive to summerlin pick up the kid and go back to hendertucky in an hour . And on top of it i don't like to waste people's time and then shop elsewere . I don't like it when people waste my time and then come to find out they later bought it on ebay is that a better explanation MA FACKKAA
  11. no really where trying to leave by 8:00
  12. :black: :black: :black: where have you been tard it's handled :black:
  13. Ok back on topic so where do they sale LITTLE SMOKEY SLEEVELESS SHRIMP SAUSAGE PADDLE BRATS at rocky mountain atv.com
  14. ok i went to cycle gear they had everything thanks dan for all your help i could'nt have done it without you your my HEERRO !
  15. Thanks cheese stick now it's 5 pages long
  16. Or Ride Now on Boulder HWY Yamaha... Boulder HWY I did try those two So what your saying is i should check out rockymountainatv
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