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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. Check the prongs in the actually plug may have to be bent back out or in my old trailer did that once to me . just a thought
  2. You mean BFE Thirtsy Thursday!
  4. how about timbers on stephanie and horizon
  5. i would of but took 20 minutes to loggin everytime yesterday so i said eff it with ddr yesterday!! :chkn: and that's MR. jackass
  6. I Know this place called famous petes smokes up some mean ribs !! sorry
  7. :chkn: No chit i couldn't jog to the end of my driveway without taking a breather :fro_smokin:
  8. Well since it's nice out at night i pop open a nice crispy coors light in the garage.Mess around with the yard waiting for the kid to come out & challenge me in airhockey , seems like a everynight thing :chkn:
  9. nothin he's a hater had too much haterade :shocked2: j/k
  10. you mean peep show's and flowery bird pics etc
  11. You need to have a series like when ddr hit's hava-brew and when ddr does coral etc etc ! :poke:
  12. Stop uploading pics from animal planet just kidding pretty soon we'll have to get you and pete a liscence to start doing weddings !!
  13. what thread got closed i thought it was only mine that get closed ?
  14. so skyz's did you do anything for easter or just set up a peep show
  15. sorry skyz thems ma fackasss never called me back !!!
  16. I know people already posted thanks prior to the clean-up ! But i just wanted to say thanks to sandcrazed and ddr again for the shirts .
  17. i called a place for ya! i'll post what i find out !
  18. did anyone win a black wind shirt at the raffle actually theres was a few of them
  19. i think he's bringing a 777r :angry2:
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