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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. That sucks to hear what happened glad to see he's going to be ok. like pete and randog said comp is scary anymore
  2. what color was the tireee's sorry just kidding that's total sucks they go out to have a good time and get for no reason !what's dumont coming to azzhats that only care about themselves and don't care what thier actions can do to other people :shocked2:
  3. So what's up with the fire logs on fire in the middle of the road between 1st and 2nd rows at comp where people drive .
  4. if your there for the meet n greet most are probably drunk :drunk2: :shocked2:
  5. I think this will help everyone for the next meet and greet print it and take it with you so you can meet everyone next time :shocked2:
  6. at least i was resourceful :freakin_nuts:
  7. :shout: WTF? :freakin_nuts: were ya doing all the way over there !!
  8. i've never really met any of the peeps before the meet n greet i had a good time :freakin_nuts: i guess a little will bring out the maybe we should of had a
  9. -Do not cone or rope off finger dunes near your camp (especially with metal stakes-those are very dangerous) :freakin_nuts:
  10. yo randog i was the :fro_smokin: banana walkin around :drunk2: it's hard as f@#! to walk around in riding boots i was talkin to cdavego and you were talkin to someone else . didn't want to interrupt oh well dude meet n greet at the clean -up as for thealaskan being from zodiak i think he thought the meet n greet was at the :freakin_nuts:
  11. i heard there was a stripper pole anyone got any pics :freakin_nuts:
  12. what a beer helps me out every once in a while !
  13. i still don't see the invisaplane :angry2:
  14. f!@# no no one gave me a freakin beer . :angry2:
  15. thanks man but i was waitin to get your autograph at the meet but you got wisked away . maybe next time . :boyyy:
  16. WAS THAT ME PULLIN a sincityblondie :angry2:
  17. ok MA FACKASS HERE'S MY THOUGHT . It's not right but if your not going to go to the authority's about it then don't camp there . Thiers been to many threads about it and it ain't worth it anymore just stay away . move on stop being :rant_on: :rant_on: :angry2: about it yeah it took you an hour to unload everything but it takes 10 minutes to throw your chit in your rig start it up move it and ride the rest of your chit to a new spot just my two cents . i don't like dealing with the leo's but if you don't like it move and finish the weekend off nice instead of doing what you did .SORRY RANT OVER . LIKE I SAID PREVIOUS THERE IS STILL GOING TO BE AZZHATS OUT THERE YOU JUST GOT TO BE THE BIGGER PERSON .
  18. not really but i think if i can put my mind to it i can make one just like i finally made it to the d this year
  19. WTF DUDE ?? why you gotta post pics of me :angry2:
  20. nope!! not me :drunk2: i never drink and ride
  21. i knew that was you i can't believe i forgot to put yellow invisaplane
  22. actually sounds good i might be able to get away where's it going to be speedymart so i can toss back a few tall boys
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