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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. some pics of the meet n greet This one contains a rc plane not i couldn't get it in the pic and i think i saw redsweater but he did'nt have his sweater on so i couldn't really recognize
  2. here's a couple more i'm not the best at being a papparazzi
  3. no but i did see a couple teens riding next to the ranger arena get pulled over i only saw one quad though
  4. I'm not starting this thread so everyone can . But i have not been to dumont since clean up so for my first trip out after the road has been completed . I Feel they did a great job compared to what it use to be just remember your going into a dirt facility so it's not going to be perfect . As for thier effort to keep things organized at the entrance also well done . I was expecting to wait in line forever But that was not the case in & out . I PERSONNELLY DON'T CARE WERE THE MONEY GOES just as long as they try in thier best efforts to make dumont a smoothly run operation. Just as i experienced for prez day .
  5. and this last one sucks to roll a razer and have to eff with blowing the tire up with a pancake compressor ( but it worked
  6. OK observations . 1. dunesmurf and cdavego & nicolenvegas way cool peeps thanks for having us 2. dont roll your awning up unless it's ready thanks dave for helping me . 3. crasher and wingnut way cool meeting you had a blast wingnut wants to get some farm equipment 4. don't threaten sincityblondie to push her in the fire cause she'll want to and won't remember it in the morning . :chug: 5. don't drink beer all day and have jager bombs if you want wake up before 10 am :drunk2: 6. make sure you bring enough cigs :smoker: and beer :chug: if you don't wanna feel like a mooch 7. i need to stop bringing up old threads cause they kick you in the arse at meet n greet . thanks sand chick & desertskyz for making me perform my duty (duneporter) somebody will for sure post the pic thanks sand chick for having your cam . 8. i need a pizzazz 9. not as busy of a weekend . 10. there was still a few :flatbiller: and azzhats 11. meet n greet was way cool to put a face to a name . 12. duniemonkie is taller than i thought she was or am i short 13. nice meeting don29palms pulled in to camp friday night to say hi 14. paulrob nice finally meeting you even though you live like to streets down from me i can go on but had a nice weekend :drunk2: :drunk2: met some really cool peeps and need to stay away from the jegar bombs . pete (dunefreak) &dunesmurf bpguys ride nice desertskyz and her boytoy friend niehbor pretty good turn out for my first meet and greet dusk south pole before meet n greet i'll make sure i stay way from this machine :drunk2: kids will be kids that's it for now :poke:
  7. Nope it's fresh off the press now i have my own collection
  8. Let's get it started i'll post pics and my observasions later !! gotta about it . SINCITYBLONDIE SAYING HI !!!
  9. getting ready for the monster quad rally
  10. then i guess calling the owner would do no good they both like to run there buss that way! :beer_bang:
  11. To resolve it professionally call the store and ask to speak to the owner see what he feels about this guys actions. Maybe he does'nt even know what's going on . Which in fact could be giving him a bad reputation in the community and he does'nt even know why :beer_bang:
  12. were at dumont dunes , your backyard ,in your garage, at the store , at your work , in your car , the mountains , the restaurant , at the bar , at the strip club :beer_bang: , at the mall , give us some kind of a hint
  13. Is it busy ? How's the weather ? How many flatbillers ? you know the usuall :beer_bang:
  14. Warrior07


    i'm pretty pissed at my cam might have to look into something new as well :beer_bang:
  15. Warrior07


    nice pics :beer_bang:
  16. Warrior07


    stop lying ma facka !!
  17. sheeeesss alivveee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. No i got there about 7:00 friday and stopped at the station paid and went in :north_pole:
  19. I've never had a problem with them .When i bought our seatbelts and spacers for the rhino they seemed competitive. :north_pole:
  20. Warrior07


    wt eff is going on here all your guys are lucky
  21. Warrior07


    don't be a suck up :north_pole: just kidding nice choice
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