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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. i think i pinned it for ya'll :freakin_nuts:
  2. ok :freakin_nuts: i think i got it right is this were the south pole is
  3. it could be just a $10 surcharge but what do i know ma fackaa :freakin_nuts:
  4. no it's in sand rail talk talking about a sand car that is fast with a ls2 corvette engine mofo and he's trying to do a wheelie in it i think he's asking for help on how to do wheelies
  5. man you got me but i thought you got one of these! :freakin_nuts:
  6. I agree with pete 100% just imagine if something happened to it and they bring it back and say here's the keys mang you might want to have someone take a look at it :freakin_nuts:
  7. oh wait give me a minute :freakin_nuts:
  8. i cant fix it :freakin_nuts:
  9. but this thing is sick :freakin_nuts: here
  10. oh and i did read the home page just unsure :freakin_nuts: thanks for clearifing .3 1/2 more days ma fackas
  11. It's been a while since i've been to dumont you can pay for the weekly pass at the entrance right ! :freakin_nuts:
  12. so your saying unless you by passes now you can't get in :freakin_nuts:
  13. This thread is not good look what i found on the net
  14. i saw vp at the rhino store on gibson :poke:
  15. :boyyy: but what is it with these punkA$$ kidsnowadays that don't know how to use a side walk i'm about to start leaving my mirrors extended and pop a few of em . ok back on topic
  16. When do they celebrate tan history
  17. :no_no: ok wingy dingy get the flames off your avator truck and will talk :worthless_without_pics:
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