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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. nice pics ian make sure you make it out prez weekend !!
  2. what ? you been hangin with THE BIG E haven't you .
  3. i got your man biatchh right here hope your ready :no_no: :worthless_without_pics:
  4. ma fackaa if your going to post you better darn well have pics :no_no: :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics:
  5. looking good baller :no_no: :flatbiller: you shoulda changed the whole set up to 26"
  6. me to my heat don't work and my girl keeps naggin!! :no_no:
  7. So yesterday i was washing the trailer going thru it make sure everything works. so i turn on the heater ok it works now i turn it off and the sum biatch won't shut off unless i push in the main power switch. it stays off but once i hit the thermostat it comes on but won't shut off . :no_no:
  8. almost looks like the skank on your avator
  9. oh my god !!! you guys are going to drive me to :drunk2: oh wait i cleaned the trailer today had a couple
  10. what don't want to play anymore
  11. SORRY i must do this a again. :shout: What's a GOET
  12. sorry dude but we will be willing to give ya'll a ride yo
  13. dani you guys going to dumont for prez i think your kids need a sandfix
  14. WTF ^^^^^^ Ooookkkayyy you gotta try and save pennys somewhere for meese beer now i'll have to resort to keystone
  15. i bit the bullet $20 each at marine pro shops on lakemead no rip $25
  16. where did ya get it i have to get one especially how fasssttt my rhino is
  17. ahh just fuggit i'll have to go spend some of my beer money for a extra $25 sticker .
  18. i read that but that's where i get confused my home state is nevada and i have a utah non-res sticker . or do they just want some kind of ohv permit to show we have put money into the blm i'm so confussseddd
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