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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. ok i guess the ? is my rhino has a utah non resident green ohv 2008 sticker if i go to dumont and get pulled over am i going to get a ticket for not having a cali one
  2. We be rolling prez weekend like this or like this
  3. but will cali honor the utah sticker . i know utah did'nt have an issue with my non resident cali sticker. i know this ? has been like a any help would be apprec.
  4. ok so when i bought my rhino the gave me a little silver and blue sticker that said nevada off hiway vehicle is that the same as having it registered in nevada
  5. i gotta get two stickers does nevada offroad still sale stickers j/k i still have not got a straight answer on this though ( if i have a green utah sticker on my rhino is it good for dumont ).
  6. yep i do need a cdi . it's all stock , i'm not sure i could handle it if i did anymore than that to it . by the way xtreme does'nt work on my chit. i don't know why people would pay to have bolt-on parts installed
  7. I't reminds me of bumper cars :kart:
  8. What choo talkin bout willis i can's get's mines up toos 40 mph
  9. WTF knock me down when i can't defend myself . Only :rhino: cartin i'm going to be doin is to the back of the dunes with a couple women .Hope you have lot's of cash cause if you don't it'll be a loOOOOONG walk back ma fackaass!!
  10. i know !! we will be heading out friday afternoon hopefully get a decent spot at the big dunes in de outskirts !
  11. my wife keeps saying little dunes and :shout: i say big dunes . most likely to the west of vendor row e13-14
  12. So ya'lls da new jackazz that's b'in hanging around mah hood ya'll better get out o' in da hizzle ma facka :fro_smokin: SPECIAL THANKS GOE'S OUT TO EBONICS TRANSLATER FOR MAKING THIS ALL POSSIBLE :afro:
  13. what do you mean dig my way to china? I took the WAL-MART corporate jet over :porn:
  14. :porn: I can't believe i got you to write a paragraph over my little sarcastic quote :poke: ok sorry
  15. :boyyy: that's what ya get pete for starting a website like this for peeps to get in touch and you change everything even get rid of the balloon we all just want to get along hang out and have fun & meet new people :porn: :drunk2: :drunk2: :drunk2: :fro_smokin: but have it your way :poke: no ddr camp . so were's the pot luck being held :boyyy:
  16. NO I stumbled upon it and saw the steel balls quote
  17. HAHAHAHAH :no_no: hey i wonder if these kids are still hanging out there so skyz can open a can a whoopazz on them youngsta's
  18. You know i don't want to fuggup my chit, you know mang :flatbiller:
  19. So how is the road going in it's not to choppy is it
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