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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. WTF WAS THAT !!!! i didn't want anyone being that descriptive
  2. :porn: put the beer down :drunk2: and take your caps lock off
  3. WOW caps locks off :shout: get your self an FORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. ok duniemonkie , dunefreak you know what happened to tacomoma :shout: SO SPILL IT !!!!
  5. looks like an old kawasaki wolvorine dressed up rhino just kidding crongrats :argue:
  6. Yeah what ever happened to tacomama :argue:
  7. oh come on you know what i meant
  8. ok then i'm quiting this club there wasn't supposed to be girls in the tree house anyways
  9. You know :rhino: 's are eeh get some get :drunk2: MA FAACKAASSS !! man i need a little more imagination o well carry on
  10. You pretty much described exactly what it's doing.Like i said it's not pooring like the cars that park in your drive for an hour and you thought they change there oil with out a pan . i mean a drop here and there is all it is. If that's my case how long was it in the shop for ?
  11. Any body ever heard of pabco rd to the swamps ? well if not or if you do is the dumont road really that bad ? my guess this thread again is like
  12. I'm dead serious something about them as soon as i see them getting ready to pass i know what's coming next whoa doggy i hate em
  13. I use a sway bar works good just watch out for those darn mini vans :rainbow1: they get me everytime I don't know why
  14. :flatbiller: :rainbow1: :shout: Turn off your caps lock !!
  15. yeah i used to work there . and equipped my rhino there . just haven't stopped in there lately last time in i spent $500.00 for a soft top :rainbow1: $ 45 is not bad how does it work for ya ?
  16. ? were did you get the windshield and how much ?
  17. sorry bro you just need to know how to talk in finance
  18. Pickin her up in a couple just need to throw some tyrees on her ,and hose her off . Who's ready to race
  19. Ride now (all they did was change the name)is owned by the same people in arizona major corp that just wanted to monopoly the city :shout: THEY OWN PRETTY MUCH EVERY DEALER IN TOWN !!! All the shops in town were awseome till that happened. I'm not bashing but customer service is lacking especially on pricing. I used to sell a spin on filter for a rapter oem for $ 9.99 i walk in a lonnggg time ago to ride now the parts girl goes it'll be $19.99 WTF I know there's inflation but come on
  20. Well i am from arkansas :shoot: I mean hendertucky rhino up !!
  21. No i don't thinks so the tires will probably slip on all the hay and horse crap
  22. I got 1 for the rhino put on the back above taillight . My cali ones expired as of 07 on the quads. But my rhinos sticker is still kicking til august :shout: I WISH CALI WOULD EXPIRE FROM DATE OF PURCHASE .
  23. Try sam's cycle supply on rancho awesome guy to deal with . known and worked with for years
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