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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. ok so here's the story of a so i have changed positions at a job and now requires me to deliver parts on the vegas infeld . til we get more biz for me to hire a driver . and since the rain which is awesome by the way . i have noticed that people that moved to vegas once they hit the border of vegas/utah/arizona/california (have been zapped to forget how to drive in the rain ).a normal delivery from hendertucky to nellis and lakemead should have took 1:00 hour turn around time . but no took three hours cause people got zapped by the border . WTF sorry for this rant but man what is up with vegas were people move here from places where it rains all the time and cant remember how to drive in it. I bet if i stayed in atlanta,ga people would drive like normal .
  2. sloppy joes beer and more beer and i fogot one more -beer
  3. So you say if your on your bike across the dunes your seriously going to count numbers til you get back to your rig (NOT). Laws or no laws it still happens . people pee in the sand , actually most of it's beer :gayboy:
  4. what's a LOF J/K good to see you got hooked up
  5. i saw that last year don't you have anything better to do with your time j/k that was like the best house in our neihborhood .
  6. looks like the normal crowd of a$$hats did'nt show up this weekend but more thieve a$$hats did sucks to here bro . ok no one remember this but sometimes i cable the bikes but forget to put the lock on
  7. this should have been posted with (does someone this stupid deserve a truck this nice?) thread
  8. i usually hit construction sites it's FREE :fro_smokin: j/k
  9. that's why i'm not fond of fiberglass sides . show to many early friday problems .
  10. 2000 somthin members and that's all that showed up ( i was there :GWH: ) :Imma_throwup:
  11. thems fighten words :laughoff:give the guy a break he was probly to full to take it home :Imma_throwup: :worthless_without_pics:
  12. congrats to you both :worthless_without_pics: just get ready for and more of this :Imma_throwup: and more of this :shout: i'm talking to you :rant_on: just my :GWH:
  13. rhino ranger looks like a golf cart
  14. at least she's not banned from the shout box
  15. discount mufler did my old f150 and alot of my old customers trucks awseome work and decent price
  16. Warrior07

    Fuel Prices

    put it this way i'm not bi!#@ing about it just a ? as far as buying an alternative why i only live a mile from work i could use the jog to get rid of the belly . and as long as bush is in office nothing is gonna change . man i can't wait for election time
  17. mind outta gutta please :porn: :no_no:
  18. just live with it . just like all the other problems in this great country of ours and we'll all find a way to get though it all some how . and as far as the fingers i don't see anything at all wrong with coneing just don't use reebar use 2 inch angle iron 4 foot lenghts :no_no:
  19. Warrior07

    Fuel Prices

    my ? is how does diesel hit 3.30 a gallon and 87 stays at 2.80 :shocked2: . big brother knows diesels get better milage ,so hit them first
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