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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. i have some invisawheels see attatched image ( ) ( ) ( image not available ) ( )
  2. nope no pointers from me last time i took a driving test was when i was 14 back in arkansas 20 years ago i think . when we walked thru snow bare footed
  3. true so i guess i'll have to cruise the rhino to the s/ pole with my eyes shut and pretend i'm in a rail
  4. i'll be there as long as i set my alarm . begging ogp if he'll reconsider the no funco rides
  5. i thought you were going to say dumontrhinoriders.com
  6. talk about being cruel to animals
  7. my wife could have used one for me after i went to comp hill night before clean-up. walking of course :dance:
  8. time for a vegas / hendo rhino club i'm in if i can learn to show up on time
  9. pet tech tip #2 i don't know how many times i been camping and seen camps were dogs are left to do what they please . and then you here about can someone help me find my dog it took off in the middle of the night and i miss her (or him ) petsmart 9.99 -15.99 depending on the dog
  10. nice but i do have a question who does the lawn
  11. i usually lock the trailer and go to the next trailer and hand thier candy out
  12. my kids first camp trip was at dumont make sure you bring infant tylenol or what ever just in case the dust/dunes gets to her . bako and baker seem to be to far away in those cases. so you say you sell gas at dumont
  13. so what's the perks for being in the club do we get a monthly news letter on recalls on the pizzazz and cooking tips ?
  14. people do stupid stuff just like this sunday morning nice and peaceful and joeblow decideds he wants to dust out his friends camp
  15. ever think about a crate and towel so she or he could go night night so the party never ends
  16. you must be more daring then me :dance: i cruised by your house a few weeks ago in it but i made sure i was following the speed limit with my triangle strapped on the cooler .
  17. i know this is simple, but if you have a small dog . this is what after a good year . i decided to do with her food . instead of a ziplock i decided to use this ( with the compliments of our hotel stay cups). if you have ideas share em to take the extra stress off to make it easier on all of us. by the way don't say leave em at home .
  18. dang pete it took you a letter and threats to finally confess
  19. now i have to show my wife the responses so i can get one for christmas too
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