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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. :worthless_without_pics:
  2. did'nt get to go to dumont (had to work sat ). but in the end i got to see my favorite actors on stage man they know how to put on a show made my whole weeekend
  3. i personally like the location . cuts down on all the traffic . last time took me 5 minutes to cross over to vendor row ( don't laugh i was being polite & curtious to other duners.)
  4. planned to go to jean dry lake bed but decided on dumont . we we'll be heading out friday afternoon . might not be able to make it for halloween cause of the job change . anyway i also need some input as far as what you think is faster from hendertucky because of the traffic on blue diamond . better to go thru tecopa or baker who else might be out there .
  5. i need to learn to stop overpacking the hauler with stuff that i think i'll use when out but never do . and i continue to keep packing it even when i know i'll never use it .
  6. hey don't ruin it darnit i'm trying to get at least 3 pages geeese
  7. i'm glad everything came out fine . ive been in a similar situation and the feeling sucks a$$.
  8. I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2
  9. some people need another sandfix
  10. i personally wait for the rangers to do there camp check j/k
  11. my wife had a 06 trailblazer 250 awseome bike for a wife or younger kid got around the dunes just fine easy to ride , and nice suspension for the price . onlything i could see being wrong with the bike is being a beginners bike for say they get abused by being treated like a rental cause anyone can pretty much handle it . only reason we got rid of it was to get a rhino . here's my nephew who never laid hands on a quad riding it . after a few runs on flat ground he was following me thru the dunes with ease .
  12. went back to see pops in arkansas picked just a couple things up that reminded me of my past when i rode 2 wheels racing the mini gp 1992 my first trophy from byhalia,ms 1989 makes me feel real old now :dance: man those were the days hot pink accents on all the clothing here' s a couple off topic pics of the road trip this was cool to see they knows how to do it in the south true pricing s/unleaded was some special blend our sunday morning stateline beer run i reaaly miss these days :dance: cotton before its a shirt on your back . my brother in laws new house he just had built for 300,000 man i wish three could by a house like that in vegas . and here we are getting ready to head back on the highway .
  13. just got back from a road trip to arkansas 2 days there 2 days back . no straight thru driving for me any more .
  14. i don't know about you .but i would'nt want to hang out in a toyhauler with all the gas fumes from the quads . :mc_smiley:
  15. i kind of fast when camping ( not intentionally ) so i would have to say coors light but if you want to know the food thing we for sure don't forget the chips and salsa / bean dip
  16. nope she plays all day on ddr but don't go to dumont so i dought you'll see it j/k
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