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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. the problem is they won't let you do it yourself :Danielle:
  2. wtf is that that's were i'm taking mine if that happens there replacing that hole shield :shocked2: . and :shout: i guess i'll have to show them how to use a cutting tool properly
  3. first off sorry to hear about the damage . second post a pick so i can take it to them, and tell them this is not how i want them installed . i made my appointment since they said they will not just hand them over to a customer (you know they are a factory authorized dealer )
  4. actually the doors look better and are going to be easier for the wife to get in . instead of hopping over the leg protectors from dragon fire . (any body want to buy some aluminum dragon fire leg protectors for a rhino . )and thanks for the heads up .
  5. Warrior07


    Ok i have no issues with ipods just some of the people that use them . Here i was pulling into work today . When this lady is walking in the parking lot right dab in the middle of traffic flow looking down in some chart or book . So i'm pulling in she starts to walk towards my truck (still with her head down). All of a sudden she looks up :whacky101: . and what was in her ears an :shout: Ipod. look if your going to listen to an Ipod don't - in walk in the street with your head down ( she could'nt even here my diesel ) ok i'm done :fro:
  6. i think it's until he decides to sell it. but it is used not new so what could tax really be worth for a used ball . oh i forgot you always get by the irs . :whacky101:
  7. i need to learn some of those lines . hey honey we got stuck at logandale ,only way to keep that from happening again . i'll need a 7" lift 38 inch swampers and no more getting stuck :whacky101: is it ok honey ? i'll cut back on the beer
  8. i think it needs to be on letterman or even better yet the tom green show . i'm not happy with the out come of these indv. they need to be brought to the nations att. on the news not internet . and how these people are making desision's on laws and can't even abide by them . oh forgot my 2 cents :whacky101:
  9. how'd you get mud in your tires (my cousin vinnie )
  10. i agree keep the dogs on a leash and pick up thier shiatt :shocked2:
  11. that's good if my wife was a stripper oh god here comes the party
  12. super troopers is the bomb before was the best movie strange brew
  13. ba@#rds ride were you want just don't get caught . who likes to ride around vegas these days anyways
  14. i pay 60 for uncovered use to pay 150 for covered
  15. i'm going to have to go pick up a playboy after seeing this pick
  16. this matches the trailer muscle car bbqs 1-419-433-6130
  17. well from a previous post about my mom moving out fro s carolina after selling there house and got bashed for it . well after they moved out after a week they moved into an apartment across from my housing developement . i get to go :swim: anytime
  18. Warrior07


    i'm over that i was talking bout family issues by the way i was only trying to help redswr and rach out . okay back on topic ogp you the man
  19. Warrior07


    i'll remember that next time i post a topic
  20. Warrior07


    good job tim (ogp) but in what way does this topic have to do with dumont dunes just kidding i felt it was my turn
  21. happy b day . and thanks to pete and isbb and creamyfirepole for deleting my topics that's ok . this site is cool and pete you've done a great job as well as everyone else . hope to meet alot of you at dumont and other riding spots thanks to ddr for keeping us connected . can't wait for halloween :freakin_nuts: :porn: :porn: oh by the way what is my space
  22. i could swear i saw her at the o.g. dancing
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