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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. Cause dunefreak has like one of the best like dunesites everrr for sure you know ! :blonde:
  2. All i could catch were guppys at swains :worthless_without_pics:
  3. Nice website freak ! bye the way i call photoshop like i always do ! :clown:
  4. That's because it's a car not a side by side !
  5. YEP i remember those days chu ching !!
  6. So has anyone been keeping up on american idol ? Adam lambert sings pretty good .
  7. I had one of these bad boys never had a problem with it
  8. But wingding said it was going to be closed
  9. Stop leaving the door open ! i hate trendy stuff like not useing spell check!
  10. Would that be just the campground or the complete area
  11. Warrior07


    Lets see COORS LIGHT my fave ! When the wife cracks down on the beer spending :rant_on: I get away with keystone light taste the same to me ! I usaully drink Heineken when out to din ! As far as bud light i 'll drink it but in the morning same goes for corona if i have to many ! Sam adams period can't stand any of thier flavors ! I think one of my favorite combos is a shot of 1800 with a coors light chaser
  12. Anytime man ! that goes for anyone else on ddr too!
  13. What happened to the gecko smoke stack superduty ?
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