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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. i met my wife no better place than the strip while
  2. well maybe if it had the same color scheme it wouldn't look so :freakin_nuts:
  3. not only can a woman squat they can bend over
  4. i cant type in language i do like to :freakin_nuts:
  5. a guy at work said it looked like a but so i shaved it off
  6. does this smily look like my chin
  7. man i thought my last topic was bad i got boiled peanuts
  8. this rants over til tommorrow my garage spring just snapped this morning
  9. ok i'll try this again my main post was to express my issue with family moving out here wanting us to change our lifestyle . and to basically cater to them . but i see if i let them live with us for a long period of time it's going to go backwards . and i'm in the same boat as dani i'm in a slump until i came to this site . and have met some really cool peeps . esp. dune freak dunimonkie ogp and randog at cleanup . sin city blonde at pres day . yamapimp at hooking us up with the rhino . that's why we bought the rhino so we can meet new peeps instead of leaving the kid and wife at the trailer cause you can't ride doubles . opening our world of duning and off roading to a new level of having fun .
  10. ok this is basically my post
  11. ok this is basically my post
  12. oh i'm thick skinned just did'nt want it to turn into a b#@!* fest i like dani's post better
  13. sorry for posting this
  14. ok so three years ago my son was born
  15. going to one of the wifes friends house for a little during the day and come home and do a little fireworks .
  16. hey rob your one of the ones i'm talking about your never outside i cruz the hood all the time and never see ya
  17. wish i could of made it dam inlaws . glad to see you all had fun ing
  18. i here ya on that ever since we got the rhino the kids flock like pigeons any one have any suggestions ( wingnut)
  19. not so much hang out in the garge with someone but i just notice people have there garage door closing before there in the garage :bs: hey randog antime your in vegas bro
  20. all they do is hang out in thier house come home close the garage and then you never see 'em . who has the same issues in there niehborhood were people are to good to hang out in the garage and front yard with or without kids like the good old days . im a garagefreak but i guess times have changed .
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