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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. so your saying you went from somthing like this to this by not working out :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts:
  2. show us the close up and personal shots
  3. word to the wise if you plan on going make sure you lock the bikes up . a fellow dirt rider told us a few reported stealings of quads and rhinos and rangers.etc are happening at night and sources say they are from vegas . to the thieves they suck arse. just thought i'd give a heads up .
  4. now we know who's really behind ddr just kiddin pete you the man, you the man
  5. so far nothing yet that was memorable i 'm used to defending for my self that includes (unloading washer and driers out of my truck with no help etc. etc. ) :disco-dance: not good for the back . but no nothing yet but when it happens i'll be sure to find this thread and tell my experience. oh no i forgot the best thing is my parents hooked me up with life and brought me into this great world . :disco-dance:
  6. i think this thread has come to a close cause what skyz and sandman said are pretty much what has to be said. i lost my grandfather last year that used to call me roadrunner . cause all i'd do when younger was run the road for girls.and now i don't here it from him but it's in my mind (just think happy thoughts ). but hang in there she's with you and your with her that's all that counts. now hit the dunes and remember the good times :disco-dance: :disco-dance:
  7. hey dunie i wasn't singleing any one person out i was just giving my two cents on what i've seen and experienced
  8. my sone is one of the best things that has happened to me . i to wouldn't change it for the world . and i said in the beginning i'm never having kids and i'm going to live at home til i'm 40 (never happened) . in time things change and people change .ones that say they dont want kids will most likely have'em and the ones that do want them don't or can't just my 2
  9. a$$ whipes wtf :freakin_nuts: just remember nv is made up of more than 50 states of people moving here including were your from so watch who your calling a$$ whipe :no_no:
  10. no problems like that yet but have had issues lately since the clean up where the main power wont work on the generator til i play with the breakers or generator braker or even play with wiring near battery
  11. i here ya on the drama factor.a little bit of this and a little bit of that always happens i rather have more of this
  12. just curious on why alot of duners and off road enthusiests stop with the holidays at home and spend more time duning or offroading . cause this year my wife and i are making a packed to stop the tradition at home and hit dumont for the holidays as much as possible. except christmas
  13. slider hitch just take your time around corners dang you'll be ok . i'll send my cousin betsy out to guide you around the corners and all
  14. thats a swweeeetttt effin bike :chkn: :no_no:
  15. actually harbor frieght i think does sale some kinda tire upgrade :chkn:
  16. thats :no_no: diff looking cage should be easy to spot on someone elses rhino hope it gets recovered :chkn: freakin sorry a@# thieves .
  17. thats the same way i feel about some of dim rice burners out there braaaggllllbraap. suttin it with the diesel baby when there windows are open :mic:
  18. dang thats a nice truck .whens the camo paint coming j/k congrats
  19. so here's the update these farm machines ain't cheap to build should of bought a three seater hyubusa but i don't think there aloud up in the mountains :dance: add ons dragon fire soft top 500.00 dragon fire cage dragon fire side leg protectors prp seats and crow seat belts and dragon fire center console . and 2" spacers next is a cd player . and thats it to much money . spent and i can't even lift my truck yet but the wife gets her rhino built . any one have stock aluminum rims they'd like to donate
  20. :praying: :praying: :praying: :praying: :praying: :praying: :praying:
  21. i'm talking about when its a garage ornament
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