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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. i thought this was about your growing up shows not figure out what shows your talking about let's get back on topic :mc_smiley:
  2. dude that's the truth right there :mc_smiley: hi my name is pete and i'm never mind
  3. now out of all seriousness now how many tow trucks do you see that are chevy and that are ford or even dodge . i really see more fords to the rescue :mc_smiley:
  4. you know it , you know it . i really have to show it :mc_smiley:
  5. oh yeah baby and no not the guys in black :mc_smiley:
  6. as long as everything goes right i'll be there
  7. forget the pot luck i'm over it just drink beer and be marry :mischevious:
  8. i've got an old school ezup that i could bring i think it's a 12x 12 :mischevious:
  9. also does anyone know anybody that works at a local dealer to get a decent price without all the :freakin_nuts:
  10. ok were going with a 660 but which one to buy sport blue or sport silver whats the diff really ? :freakin_nuts:
  11. :freakin_nuts: ok i know everyone has said there going but on differant post and topics how bout every one post if there going by saying I or ney just to clear up how many are actually going to be there . i for one say I
  12. ya just kinda like a bring what you got and clean up what ya :freakin_nuts: brought
  13. see ya at the clean up kayla :freakin_nuts:
  14. you know i feel like such an a#$ when i said i've only met sincityblonde i have also met gwh way cool too . man i deserve one of these sorry kayla
  15. not even hot poppers or cheese sticks or wings or chips & salsa or mini pizzas or sausage mushrooms or chips and dip or spinach dip and bread or etc
  16. you know around the camp fire with sounds kinda cool
  17. congrats pete do you think it'll run with a rhino j/k
  18. covered rv parking storage off horizon / but rates went up again they seem to raise it for expense going up but mines not in airconditioning like everybodys boxes and stuff are :bs:might be moving it to my old rv spot saving half the cost .sucks cause it's literally around the corner from my house .
  19. This kid by chance did'nt go to the this year did he ?
  20. nah redswr shaved a little more off and has bigger guns :surrender:
  21. fun in games :surrender: i thought this thread was serious . that's why i didn't go to tt last night :no_no: now back to topic my number is 555-1212 area code 702 ask for pete
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