hey you were a kid at one time . i love my little dude (just have to teach them proper riding edicate i spelled that right . its the parents that need to be taught a lesson )
hey pete we are for sure going to be there so if you need anthing let me know ill do what i can to help . i also have one of those 12 foot long tables if needed for anthing . ill bring just in case
i love the way kids ask for keys (actually i took them out of the quad cause he wasnt listning to me all of a sudden happened and keys went back into the ign.
chase i havent met you or anybody here but somethings you say can hurt feelings and somepeople just dont care to here it . my humor sometimes comes out sarcastic but you have to know your limits .
so this morning i awoke to a water main valve break spent about three hours this morning driving everywhere for the repair kit . fyi if you need a repair kit for a wilkins 420 valve go to star nusery not lowes or home depot but they are going fast thanks to the cold weather . by the whey star nursery rocckkkss
thats why we went with mainly 4 stroke my wifes is a 2 stroke but oil injected ( no more mixed gas jugs that for before were to hard to use up . i rode alot with the two strokes but for some reason i always mixed more than i should and it just sits wasteing away .
:angry2: man wish we's could make it ta meet some ddr peeps but most likely it'll be next weekend at dumont .with muh beeotch .
i love this ebonics thing i didnt want to put what the cross refferance was for {man }