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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. nice truck now its time for a toy hauler
  2. :yeah_whatever: :yeah_whatever: there is alot of :yeah_whatever: talk going on :yeah_whatever:
  3. thats some sick shiaat right there gooooo forddd
  4. sorry to here pete. i cant believe the way they have treaded you or anybody that way . hope word gets out and things change .
  5. raptors roocckkk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. oh yeah that right girlwithhorns 1bad4fiddy
  7. new game two names and a smiley lets go 1bad4fiddy girlwithhorns
  8. not getting tech. hey i ride a quad now. just stating facts that 4 wheelers are here to stay and they need more attention than just racing in the woods and doing stunts . dirt bikes rock
  9. if dirtbikes sucked why doesnt 4 wheelers have a supercross oh i forgot about the mickey thompson days sorry girl with horns you were probly in diapers then . j/k lol
  10. short bed i got for these reasons 1. i still got a diesel 2. i did'nt want to see the neihbor kids hit the bumper because my drive ways to short for a long bed 3. its not how short it is its how you use it .
  11. well to tell you the truth 2 stroke all the way i rode 125 's and 250' s in the 90's same class as carey hart when we were in the intermediate class . but had to grow up dad moved to arkansas and i didnt want to leave vegas so racing came to an end and job hunting began . the only 4 stroker ive riden is a yfz400 when they came out but to tell you the truth before i got my raptor i still rode a 2 stroke rm 250 . no four stroke can give you an adrenaline rush like a 2 stroke . just my opinion .
  12. where in. need some ddr peeps to camp with and have some good times and meet new ddr peeps .
  13. well since our rotty died 7 months ago after a good 11 years heres our new dune family member (well not new weve had here for a few months ) her names bree
  14. its good to here your doing better
  15. i should shut up i drive a ford :dance: :dance:
  16. true i just ment your going to lose some ride comfort but when your torsions eventually sag you have more room to adjust . because your suspension hasn't been tapped out yet .
  17. my dad and i use to go to 7 eleven and buy slurpees in the summer and he'd play the slots and win our money back :dance: free slurpees yeaaah . j/k :dance:
  18. you can also change torsion keys in the torsion bars to get more lift in the front end (without sacrificing to much ride comfort :dance:
  19. so were thinking about a farm quad :dance: for the wifey so how good are the deals . any info would be appr. plus dealer your dealing with
  20. hey pete this is pete ill try and show for a couple to meet some ddr peeps but of course have to check with the wife (kitchen pass) alright ill do it for you ( :dance: )
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