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Everything posted by Warrior07

  1. lets see we have under storage so we bought plastic containers for misc. coleman fold down grill collapsable picnic table definately check out camp world for all that stuff .as for cleaning i use the good old rv ext. brush good old green hose and gel gloss rv wash . stuff works great .
  2. check out line-x you might like there's.
  3. :freakin_nuts: yeah ive been there done that with the strip . we got a hotel on the strip trust me im not planning on doing the strip thing after this year . ever again
  4. my cousin & his family just moved to vegas so were headed to the strip for the night got a hotel room :freakin_nuts:
  5. nope sorry would be cool to meet some ddr peeps but taking little one to the bouldercity dry lake bed to get familiar with his new quad . :dance:
  6. get a trailer with underneath storage so all you pretty much have to unload is the bikes . :mischevious:
  7. Hey thanks for all your input im pretty inclined on the quads i know japanese is way better i used to work at honda and kawaski dealership here in vegas for 10 years pre ride inspection is always a priority plus this is the only one that looked like mine (you know father son thing). plus i liked the safety features and the disc brakes all a round .
  8. just got my son one and wondering if anybody has had any experience with them good or bad ? i know its china market but good price from alien mtrs especially since kids grow so fast .
  9. congrats! to bad i didnt by my truck first so i could have gotten a fifth wheel . but im still happy with my warrior .
  10. very sorry to here that kinda of news prayers go out to the whole family .
  11. 2 reasons i like the little dunes 1 kids ride without to much traffic 2nd easy place to teach some to ride the dunes.
  12. we went holloween weekend it was great since little one isnt on a gas quad yet . and not to many people
  13. how many going to the little dunes because of the little ones.
  14. i have a question about holloween and trick or treating for the kids . ive never been to dumont on holloween weekend and was wondering when the kids actually trick or treat . since alot of people work during the week and dont stay at the dunes til tuesday .
  15. monday thru fri 7-5 and wensday till 8:00
  16. made by cooper good tire ,same as matercraft tire never had a problem with the mud terrains i had
  17. hey dunefreak come over to findlay vw parts and see me pete with a ddr stick and i'll represent
  18. just got it 06 diesel fx4 my minds at ease now
  19. congrats lets see some pics your gonna love it
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