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  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    2007 Sandwinder
    2006 Forest River 5th Wheel
    2005 F-350
    2005 Tahoe
    1971 Suburban
    1965 Cadillac Coupe-De-Ville
    1999 KX 250 - For Sale
  • Location
    Huntington Beach, Ca.
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Surveillance Installation
  • Hobbies
    Duning, Camping, Pool, Poker.

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  1. Are people really super offended by the swastika flag? it was almost certainly just a Halloween decoration and not even a real swastika. It is backward. At worst, it was in slightly questionable taste, but no more so than people dressing in haz-mat suits poking fun at the recent Ebola scare. Ebola has killed nearly 5,000 people in the past few months. It seems to me that some people are looking for things to act offended by. I see nothing wrong with a Nazi costume on Halloween. The whole point of Halloween is to be scary, right? Maybe we could lighten up a little?
  2. These are pretty long videos. The first one is a little duning that ends with a broken header flange on Eric's car. The second is me making a loop around the dunes. I found the poles....
  3. It was good meeting you John, and your wife (I'm horrible with names, I apologize.) Is it Tracy? It was also great camping with Eric and his whole group: Those crazy Canucks, Will and Tom. The Astonians, Cal and Hono. (It's highly probable that I'm butchering the spelling of those names. Eric's brother Andrew, The other Andrew and his wife Becky were very cool. It was awesome watching all the kids having a blast on the little quads. Unfortunately, I waited until Monday to discover the backside of the dunes where the North Pole is. I had a blast making a little race track out of circling the dunes. I probably cut a chunck of lifespan off my buggy back there...lol, but I guess that's what they're for. Maybe I'll post a video if the file isn't too big.
  4. I feel terrible for all parties involved, including the driver of the raiI. I drive a rail and came EXTREMELY close to hitting a teenage girl on a quad at the bottom of Olds in Glamis. It was an off weekend in March and there were maybe 20 people as far as the eye could see. I was coming down the hill and jumping up onto the flats...with spotters. The spotters are the ONLY thing that saved this girl's life. I can't even describe the feeling in those two seconds. I was about 80 percent sure I was going to kill this person in front of me and it was the worst feeling I have ever had. This is a video of my near miss. It doesnt really do justice to just how close this was, but you can just see my buggy spin 180 degrees at the end and then the quad riders go by. They got sprayed with sand from the 180. I don't intend any sort of hijack here, just to show how instantly things can go from fun to disaster.
  5. It scares me. I have half bald pure street tires on my truck. Airing down might only make me stuck with flat tires. I might be getting used all terrains before we go, but not 100% sure.
  6. Ok, now you're just teasing me. You guys better get your a$$es out there this weekend for our group ride. You said it, and now it's a binding contract. I think TheGreenMachine and I will be camping somewhere near bathroom 9. Not sure yet.
  7. Noob question here. Where on the map is the entrance? I assume it is the river crossing?
  8. Ok. Now that I have the map, where is the best camping and where is the hangout/meeting place. Is it Comp Hill?
  9. Awesome. Thanks Desertrider 71 and Dunefreak. I hope I see you guys out there. Look for the blue and green Sandwinders that appear to have no idea where they're going...lol. The blue one will have the American Flag and the Breast Cancer Flag as shown above. If anyone sees us. Don't hesitate to stop us and say "Hi", or "You're doing it wrong".
  10. When I'm in Glamis, I kinda think it's fun to try to find camp with no light or GPS, I just use the tower to guide me to the right area. (I camp near wash 6 usually.) Are there any such landmarks in Dumont?
  11. Can someone direct me to a map of Dumont. Particularly where the main camping areas are in relation to the entrance road?
  12. Add one more Sandwinder. I'll be there the weekend of the 1st with Green Machine if anyone wants to say "Hello".
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