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Everything posted by DUNE SMURF

  1. well darn i'm confused now ok i'm blonde and don't know what i want
  2. thanks for the laughs bob i'm not sure about war now i think i liked world piece better
  3. i must've missed that post, but i'm in on helping out also with you guys just let me know!!!!!!
  4. we are lucky, able to store ours at home in the back yard...
  5. this thread is so funny i can't (yes i can)believe its still going
  6. thats great...thanks pete and sandcraze
  7. thanks for sharing vicki. its nice to know that people care.
  8. looking good pete i sure do like that color alot :no_no: next week can't get here quick enough
  9. yea dan we will be at dumont why don't you join us
  10. i do remember, all is good have to keep humor in life or we will go crazy
  11. wow danielle sounds like good times when i had my tahoe i did that all the time with my remote in hand some how i would push the wrong buttom and horn would start going off thanks for sharing
  12. oh my goodness jill thats too funny
  13. thats what we love about our wingnut :hug:
  14. those plastics look good :ban-cha: as for the costume it looks good tooo
  15. i agree with erveryone else. i have meet some GREAT people on here. its nice to be able to meet up with anyone at any time to go riding. look forward to meeting some more peeps. i read all the topics and have learned about so much that i had no idea about. ps i also get bored at work so i'm on the computer all day :monkeedance2:
  16. had a great time last night. always fun nice to meet some new peeps also....thanks cole for the jet ride and your a great babysitter
  17. looking good pete :mc_smiley: like the blue
  18. sorry to hear about this...hope for a speedy recovery...
  19. congrats cole....only problem i see is its a ford j/k sorry had to go there
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