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Everything posted by DUNE SMURF

  1. sorry to hear about your loss..you and your family our in thoughts and prayers :praying:
  2. busy weekends=no riding just watching...nice to meet some more of DDR...had a good time with great people...sat potluck was yummy like always....here a couple of pics....
  3. gotta love DVR watch when we get home...no time to watch at dumont.... we will be riding
  4. yes.. please every be safe and have fun.......
  5. go for it ken on rides through the dunes you can be in front and clear a path for the rest of us....
  6. your not kidding, we are taking over
  7. sorry to here that, been alot of quads stolen lately
  8. i'll try to make it out for got a lot to do before dumont this weekend :chev_bowtie: it's only a hop and skip from our house :chev_bowtie:
  9. i was waiting for someone to find that pic :chev_bowtie:
  10. i'll hook you up with a updated picture of your bike in the sand :freakin_nuts: you are bringing your ???? can't wait to see you this weekend
  11. thank you....very true...... :mc_smiley:
  12. :mc_smiley: glad your OK......that sucks, but thats 3 so your luck will now turn around.....
  13. here is our new puppy sabrina..she is about 8mo old.rescued from the animal shelter.. and she loved the sand
  14. kayla this picture is for you. one of big gunz friends
  15. had a great time this weekend... weather was perfect and company was great..it was nice to see everyone and meet some new peeps....sperry wash ride was fun and still got back to do some dune riding...went over to dave and kelly's camp for dinner sat evening,meet some great people THANKS kelly again...then had bithday cake with Don.kicking back around the campfire with great conversation....gotta love the off weekend for relaxing.... we also brought out our new 8mo old puppy sabrina out she was awesome for her first trip, just laid in front of the toyhauler and love the attention,she is not sure about the campfire though.
  16. ok ok you win MASTER C!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
  17. its gotta be a fed ex thing :monkeedance2: :monkeedance2: sorry
  18. i just read it this morning---it think it was mredgy dans moving to san diego topic
  19. all i can say is :monkeedance2: :monkeedance2:
  20. hey you at least i now we can survive on 75 gal of water :monkeedance2: back at you
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