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Everything posted by DUNE SMURF

  1. how long are you guys planning on being there i have a prior engagment till around 5..i want to meet the family and hang with you
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DDR we have only been hanging out for a couple of months clean-up weekend) but it has been great to meet some cool people to hang with at the dunes and outside dunes...can't wait for the next year.... :headbang:
  3. i'm there with you in thought :drinkbeer
  4. i thought the live music was cool nothing better than music and quads racing did anyone notice i didn't hurt myself this weekend i was so wasted it was great
  5. had a great time...nice to see everyone again i even raced a couple of times with angela and dawn...i guess i need to get paddles now got smoked by them...damn knobbies had a great time though...and THANKS PETE for everyting you did...i'm just sorry i didn't get there earlier to help.can't wait till the next gathering
  6. thanks for everything guys. ...just donated 20.00. from dave and me..not much but it helps
  7. let us know we can bring some extra gas also ar anything else
  8. great pics pete...glad you had a great weekend....
  9. i think we will be heading out around 4 or 4:30 as sat gets closer we will know for sure..we will be coming from the north end of town...
  10. dave and i will be there also to help clean-up and set up we can bring our traffic cones out i think we have 6 or 7
  11. your funny(awesome possum )hope to meet ya this winter
  12. dave hooked me up with sirius online....it's great
  13. the price is listed in his post i think the heat got to you down south
  14. cool valley high school, class of 1986
  15. that looks like it would be fun to ride.........
  16. i like the nickname bumber bee no it's a nice bike
  17. thats for the laugh nice way to end monday
  18. hearing about everyones crashes.....i hope i never crash...i'm glad all are OK


    good to know there are still good people out there!!!!! i'll remeber when i need a/c work
  20. WOW- craig quite just kinding couldn't help myself
  21. Wish I could go im jealous :chev_bowtie: we will be going over labor day weekend :chev_bowtie: like the new smileys :chev_bowtie:
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