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Everything posted by foolofsand

  1. where u been? ammo has been scarce for over a year now. I finally after many calls and going here and ther am now stocked with 3k rounds of 9mm, .380 and 38 special. you have to continue to call and go. some gun shops have them, but at a higher price. on line has some now also, u just have to wait for the backorder to be filled.
  2. heard the stupid gov vetoed it. if he had brains, he would be dangerous. hope it is overridden by legislature but dont count on it. he never even read the bill, it was vetoed because he wants no increase in taxes. what an idiot, its not an increase you idiot, but now we would pay the nevada coffers instead of cal, ut and ariz. does he not realize that the off roaders etc of nevada proposed the bill? what a moron. thats what is wrong with government, they just dont see the big picture that slaps them in the face. I dont why I wasted my typing skills for this idiot anyway.
  3. hope you can get something on because just returned from the arizona strip. starting July1, all vehicles will have to be street licensed that go into the strip. quads, mc, and sxs will have to be street licensed. this is assine of course, since no nevada and most utah atv cant go there anymore. utah is moving forward with their licensing now also. this law in ariz has been around, now they will be enforcing it. it applies to ALL roads in arizona that are city, county or state maintained. this will apply to about all off-road roads also. arizona residents are ok, we will be screwed and not allowed to ride in arizona. I really dont know what nv problem is, since ariz, utah, idaho and cal are moving in that direction on atvs? the dmv is being lazy and not wanting to do any such thing. it will take legislation, as the other states have done, not cooperation with the dmv. dmv are ignorant and complete morons to deal with. the ONLY way is to bypass the dmv and just make them do what the law says, so legislation is needed and only takes 1 rep or senator to get it done. no reason why nv cant follow utah or ariz laws. are we morons in nv? guess so. we tried this a few years ago with just registration and all the groups couldnt even get together for that, and then the greenies started adding crap to the bill and we just dropped it. we just need to sell everything and watch tv like pelosi, obama and reid want.
  4. this report was made before hurricane came thru friday nite. been going to dumont for 30+years and friday nite the wind came up with furry. worst sandstorm Ive seen in dumont for 30 years. lasted about 1 hr with nasty winds (50+mph), sanded so bad I could not see the motorhomes in circle. it came fast and furious and lasted about 1 hr. then lighter winds, rain and calmer. left sat am since had to get back and dunes were smooth as glass but I couldnt play. you all can go out there now, sand perfect and virgin.
  5. still here, have not received your call as of yet. :atc:
  6. ok, ok, I give up. I will be willing to go, say $275, cuz that pipe it the t*ts. The nuts and steering parts are cool too, but the pipe has pushed me over the top. You would be helping out a poor senior citizen with your generosity. Remember, giving is much more satisfying than receiving. Am heading out in the am for a 2 day rhino ride and again, I will be awaiting for a favorable response.
  7. heres an address for both the arizona an utah law. we should just use theirs (http://www.eztsk.com/StreetLegalOHV.html) there are other places too.
  8. other arguments that can be used, since they keep talking about all this federal crap. utah and arizona both have these utv's licensed for the street. what is nevadas problem? we already have a problem having to buy 800 other registraton stickers to ride, where is nevadas stickers? time nevada ponies up to get this handled. the problem is the dmv doesnt want more work. my problem with that statement--you work 8 hrs a day and get paid, what difference does it make what you do during that 8 hr shift? I was on the original committee to get registration for nevada, but between the greenies adding all the crap to the bill and the dmv crying like babies, we just folded it up and said forget it. hopefully you can move on and get these registered for street and along with it, registration for all utvs etc in nevada.
  9. it looks like crap. I will be willing to take it off your hands for, say, $250. I need to have a little 70 in my arsenal. thanks for considering my offer. I will await your :atc: word.
  10. to circumvent the law, all one has to do is GIVE the quads away to perspective buyers. in return for the free quad the individual would just make a donation in the amount of the cost of the quad, to the malcolm smith off road fund or something of the such. the rules can work both ways.!!
  11. 16k??? how do you find time to ride???
  12. popping and backfire is usually the exhaust header bolts are loose or if dual webers, there is sand in idle jets. since you have points, put new points and condenser in it, set the static timing per vw and you are done. could be any or all of the three. do them all, only cost a few bucks.
  13. no, what is said is correct. no radius involved. bore (9.2cm) x bore (9.2cm) x stroke (8.2cm) x pi (3.14) = 2180cc (as an example) thats a motor with 92mm pistons and crank of stroke of 82mm make life easy and do as above 1. find the stroke by putting wire or screw driver into spark plug hole and find the distance the crank moves from top to bottom 2. can take off head and measure size of piston diameter might be able to estimate piston size by measuring barrel closest to engine block. problem here is barrels may have different thickness, so is an estimate personally, I would tear the motor apart anyway and rebuild it. they are not to hard to build with the right tools and make real real sure you do your tolerances since it is an air-cooled motor and doesn't like to much slop. go for it
  14. check with vw or 1200, 1500, 1600cc or measure bore and stroke and do the math--bore squared x stroke x 3.14 = cc
  15. great post, I love it. cant figure out why everyone doesn't get it, ESPECIALLY THE STUPID FEDS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE SO SMART the point here is- if the employers were not taxed to death to support the governments habit of becoming a socialist country, then the employers could charge half as much for the product and we could all have nice buggies or quads or whatever. the more I get taxed as an employers, then the more I charge for my product. when it gets way too pricey, then the business will cease to exist. so, there goes the buggies and more important, there goes the jobs with it. if I work on a 20% profit margin and I lose 25% of my business, that 25% is usually off the top, so I basically lose 5% out of my pocket along with NO profit. to compensate, I have to raise my prices to make a profit. its a simplified explanation but basically the way it is. so, every time I get hit with a new tax, I have to raise prices, cut corners or fire someone or do something to make up the difference. if I had it to do over again, I would work for the city, state or federal govt. I have a 9-5 job, work everyday, have sick days, have personal days, have great insurance and great retirement(I have to save for my own retirement) and can probably double dip when I get 55. getting laid off from these places takes an act of congress most of the time. yea, there are some losing their jobs now, but with a little seniority, the job will always be there. of course, there is alot more to this big problem, but this is part of it. I am starting to feel like the dude who wrote it---I want to cash out, retire and move to canada to hunt, fish, rides quads, ski etc. I am tired of working for everyone else also. sorry to rant, this administration and thieves in the business and banking industry has really me off.
  16. just don't use the thin barrel 92mm pistions whatever size you build
  17. not only has the racing fuel prices not come down, neither has a can of oil. a few months ago it was like $6 bucks a case with rebate and now its like $3-4 qt. cant even get it in cases, they want to sell 5 quarts with filter for oil change only--big deal. when will checker start selling by case again? I will wait and just buy a qt when I need one for now. we continue to take it in the shorts. :angry2:
  18. just got mine last nite from wiscon. it is just something else you can show the green weenies when they want to harass you. if they are logical, which they aren't, they should figure out you are safe and trying to abide by the law with safety training. $15 bucks is a bargain and probably good in all states. the wisc people are really quite smart to do this-they are real logical and can make alot of money nationwide. why is cal, nev and az so stupid? they just like giving free money away. once the system was set up in wisc on the computer, they just set back and rack in the cash. genius. anyway, alot of you should just get it done and make it easy on yourself. took me about 45 minutes to read and take the test. I missed 1 out of 50 questions and that one had 2 answers, I just picked the wrong one. bring on the greenies.
  19. just there today, they are $30 now. calif websites say they are $30 bucks everywhere.
  20. good guess, that concrete slab is still there as far as I know. its like #9 or #11. its the space that is on the northeast side corner. I havent camped at campground forever, just go to meadow. it was taken in 1978
  21. heres a pic of a big 1640 yellow rail and a 1835 gator rail
  22. what did they call good? prices were raised 40% and then given a 15% discount. I thought times were bad, but not bad enough to deal. worst show for deals since 10 years ago. more rhino type etc, few 4 wheelers and same buggies again. best 2 things were the pulled pork sandwiches and the carmel corn. I bought a JP cooler and a collapsible garbage can and thats it. also, they now charge by the day at $10 each or $25 for the weekend. I saw no reason to spend another $10 from friday nite-bad move, Im surprised the vendors didnt protest.
  23. got my three at Johnnys- they are real fancy, with colors, laminated, gold leaf, and it is punched with a special punch that is dealer specific. they probably cost more to make than the $110 they cost us
  24. oh boy, something new to get anal about. when are they going to learn, its the driver, not the machine.
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