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Everything posted by foolofsand

  1. I hope you are going to wear bathing suits, it will be a scorcher then AND the race on 127 will be then. it was a drag getting home last time
  2. still have 1 unopened pm. thanks
  3. got one for sale. just picked it up. changed my mind. check craigslist under motorcycles in las vegas. thanks
  4. got one for sale. just picked it up. changed my mind. check craigslist under motorcycles in las vegas. thanks
  5. so do they build or sell these to others? have a shop? thanks
  6. You guys were too far away. we were dialing in the drag banshee(pic enclosed) not many racers that weekend. you have too many toys. we will be out spring break. I decided against the cat. the steering wheel is to straight up, not many have them, the resale will be bad and not as many race parts. later foolofsand
  7. this weekend is for the 4-strokes. the drag bikes are usually the banshee 2-strokes
  8. does anyone know who the banshee guys that had the 1000cc big bore motorcycle engines in their bikes? I think there was a fast white banshee and someone said a faster blue one. info appreciated. thanks
  9. where were all the drag bikes this weekend? none of the race groups were there? usually 100+ bikes and only a handful this weekend. go to glamis or sand mt or where? thanks
  10. Bakersfield buggies--hmmmm. Ask you dad. First 6 were ordered by the original boys from Vegas from Mike in Bakersfield. He had San Fernando Buggy build them for him for us. None were blown but all on alcohol with engines from 2010 to 2442 with Weber IDA 48's. They ran the entire comp hill in 2nd gear since R&P were either 4.32 or 4.12-very hard to beat up the hill. There were a few cars faster that were drag cars that were mid engine. None were more fun to drive. Never threw sand unlike a mid engine that covered you in sand. the last one I saw was a guy on this site trying to sell one last year. Here's a pic of one. PS-Gerry, you shouldn't use names of the past without authorization. :kart:
  11. they fit in, but too tall, so battery shows. you are from bako?? yea, I rolled in and out, had the inlaws and wife in car going from vegas to robles and back. just a short stop for batteries and quick bite at in/out burger. my bad.
  12. finally got some batteries at bakersfield COSTCO, cost was $90 apiece which included core charge and tax. done deal now. next question, where do I get some battery boxes that are taller and fit better? thanks
  13. no sams club membership-dropped it years ago-waste of time till now
  14. went down to costco last nite, they dont have any in the las vegas valley. reno(can you believe all the golf courses up there compared to vegas) and alot in so cal, etc. they are everywhere except here. they wont order them in. he said to email costco and suggest they stock them in vegas. I cant get them to come up on costco website or kirkland website either. the model # is 245725 and a gc2. I will just get some in so cal whenever I go there. they are $88 at costco now, but better than $135 for trojan or interstate. anyone called the golf cart places in vegas? I may try that when I get time and think about it.
  15. which particular model and is it 6v?
  16. no, we called 3 of them, but I havent had time, but am heading down tomorrow in henderson. maybe tonite, but I dont recall seeing any there last time. I'll let you know what I find
  17. been trying to get some 6v batteries for the toybox. today in vegas tried interstate for the U2200 and they wanted $135. tried shelton and the trojan t-105 was $135. called standard and they wanted $121 with core and $133 without core. so what are you guys doing for batteries. costco doesnt seen to have any. I need to go down and see if they can order-they are tards on the phone and play or are dumb. can they be order on line from somewhere, most seem to say no, they wont ship them. any ideas? thanks :beer_bang:
  18. no offense, but $6.50/hr just won't cut it anymore. my girl answers the phone and makes $13/hr and has medical benefits, holidays off, m-f. times have changed for most people.
  19. which dunlop tire was on the front of a 1987 Suz 250 LT quad racer? no one on glamis knows, any one here?
  20. may be buying one. which is better for driving 2 adults and 2 kids? I see most have rhinos, any reason? suggestions? thanks
  21. can you say-driver, owner, manufacturer, and blm. the usual sequence is from little $$ pockets to big $$ pockets. not stating my opinion, just giving the facts in the court system. hope charlie is doing fine and recovers fully.
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