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Everything posted by foolofsand

  1. 50-55 down hills is plenty regardless of rig and size. love that jake brake on the dodge, never have to brake
  2. true statement. we also need to get rid of all the quads etc and get back to basics with the Honda ATC 70(they are sweet)and start over again. sometimes progress means going backwards.
  3. randog, your I cant email and your message box is full. what to do if need to order? thanks
  4. randogs bar risers? where? how? phone? website? thanks
  5. I need more room over knees one handlebars like everyone else. If I buy riser bars, how high can I get without having to lengthen the brake cable and throttle cable? thanks.
  6. oh, come on bruce, a 1000cc turboed 4 stroke against a 600cc non-turboed 2 stroke, hardly seems fair. how about 500 cc non-turboed 4 stroke against a 500 cc non-turboed 2 stroke---that would be fair. cc for cc. bruce, you know who would win.
  7. nothing more than a low life thief. do what u gota do
  8. I can buy an entire ssr 125 used for $150. question is do these motors bolt right up to the 70 like the lifans or not? thanks
  9. I noticed a lot of riders put in the Lifan engine into the ATC 70. I was wondering if anyone has put in a pit bike SSR engine into the 70? If so, do they bolt up, fitment etc. there are alot of these complete bikes for sale cheap and one would have all the electrics etc. kick start probably a problem. thanks
  10. ok, finally got a 70. doesnt run real well off idle. if give gas quickly, it dies. once it get going, its not bad but my kids kicks its butt. both are stock. backfires a little also. havent checked the pipe yet. i did put new parts in carb and put all new gaskets in carb, manifold etc. gas ok. looking down intake, it was quite goopy with black goop. im sure it needs valve job etc. checked valve gap and seemed ok. checked points, they seemed ok but really hard to tell. can barely see the points open and close. anyway, thats the story, any suggestions etc. thanks. ps, who is a good 70 guru in vegas?
  11. thanks for suggestions. did my homework and going with vinegar and or naval jelly for first round since it is cheap.
  12. what do you all do to remove rust from a tank? done a search and alot of suggestions. what are yours that are easy and non explosive? thanks
  13. may get a 110. it has the bigger tires and rims. does any company make a rim the size of a 70 that will fit the 110 bolt pattern and have clearance? thanks for help.
  14. got it goin good. usual honda etc, 2 hours to take all plastic, tank, handlebar cover, air box etc etc and 5 minutes to clean carb etc. it must have been pilot jet, looked and it was clogged, cleaned it out with wire, carb cleaner and air and walla, it is running again. kids will be happy. was going to put filters on fuel line, but it has 2 of them and they are short, so decided not to. may do later.
  15. honda 4 wheeler 90 wont go under a load. it revs up great in neutral, put in gear and barely moves, kinda sputters. with choke 1/2 it runs ok but not like normal. dont do 4 strokes, what problem? figuring there is something in pilot jet. any ideas? thanks
  16. coolest shots I have ever seen from any photographer.
  17. thanks, will pick up a couple tues
  18. whoops, I cant read and I cant see the pics. wont work.
  19. which fire extinguisher is best for rhinos etc? thanks
  20. what kind of motor is the 125? 2 stroke? regular 70 with big bore? or what? reliable? how much faster than a 70 cuz this will be ridden by 5 year old. thanks
  21. it sucks, take it off, send it to me and I will dispose of it free of charge.
  22. all the goodies, 7mm twister super lightened billet crank, tz bearing, cheetah cub cyl ported by K&T, cool head, 2-5 override tranny, henson racing basket, direct drive lockout clutch, 40mm Packard electron carbs, PVL ignition, v forceIII reeds, mikuni fuel pump, K & N filters, Matt Shearer drag pipes(with straight and/or silencer). chassis is super lite RAX +12(8 frame, 4 arms), Torchworks radiator and fuel tank, Pingel fuel valves, Lone Star hubs front and rear, J & A axle , ultra buff 10 paddles. more good stuff also. super fast 7mm, has hit 78 on Banshee Hill, Dumont when 20mm hitting 82mph. too much stuff, asking $8000 with much more into it. thanks for looking.
  23. 125 in a 70--isnt that cheating. u will win all the races
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