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Dune Food
Everything posted by Spider
I'm not quite sure I would be that close to the car especially when the fire is spreading from front to back towards the GAS TANK!!!!! :mischevious:
people like that make me wanna take out the sandrail and dump the clutch all night long by their camps....you should have went and got the ranger so they would shut up....you should have made the dad look like this
First off, I dont even care I am just messing around. Not trying to offend anyone. Not even being serious about arguing, just stating my opinion on stuff. The last comment was for a guy who attacked my education first. I dont care that he did, so I was just giving it back to him. I guess I will stop giving it if people wanna take it so serious.
No hard feelings whatsoever...i took it as the bomb was saying it couldnt happen not that it sucked that it does...my bad peeps
People have died because of those...in fact last year, i was talking to someone, and a guy hit one going pretty fast and he died...so it aint b.s. that someone could die from them because THEY DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i wasnt paying attention...ah well, at least im still smarter than you...i have a j.d., but you probably wouldnt know what that is.
anyone know where to get lighted whips or led whips in vegas? nevada off road buggy or where? thanks ps-also, how about where to get banshee exhaust o-rings?
I agree with you to ride slow on flats and by people's camps out of courtesy...i dont want my camp dusted all the time with guys blazing by it at 40-50...i go about 20-25 on the flats...even then though...if u dont see one of those kiddie tracks like at dusk when it is so hard to see, that could even seriously injure you...they are just too dangerous in my opinion.
i dont disagree with you whatsoever that cars can go over 40 in the dunes...ive been over 90 in the dunes.
One major problem with your last statement...if i take care of my own and not worry about others, that is what will kill me. ...you always have to worry about other people and ways to reduce your risk As for the argument everyone keeps saying about the government shouldnt tell me what i can and cant do...i dont understand this statement at all...they tell us what to do everyday of our lives...we cant kill, rob, not wear a seatbelt, speed, etc. etc.etc....i just dont understand how one could argue that when there are thousands of laws telling us what to do everyday. Just my opinion.
Read what the guy wrote....he was going up the backside of comp...dont think he was doing 70 or over...its not like he was on the flats...thats why we read before we right comments....a vw isnt going to go up the backside of comp at 70
Couldnt have said it better myself. We dont need the tracks there are thousands upon thousands of acres to ride...i was at the dunes today and i was heading back at dusk and was doing about 20 in our buggy and about went flying off one...i couldnt see it until i was right upon it...so dont tell me they are easy to see...yea back in the day we had them but there also werent as many people and stupid people at that...they also used to be the same ones and different ones didnt pop up every weekend...just remember your kids are having fun on it at other people's expense.
Why dont you go read the rules genius?
If they are illegal, why shouldnt the rangers enforce them? AS for your kids, if they ride upon it and you see it, you should stop them from riding it...the figure 8's are not naturally occuring so saying they are like the whoops at comp is comparing apples and oranges....a hole when you get stuck is a far cry from three foot high "bumps"....just my opinion
B/c they do 200 mph not 40
somehow i dont think the two pound helmet would have done that :eatdrink021:
actually, these figure 8's, whatever you want to call them, they are illegal...the rangers are suppose to stop you and ticket you if your kids are making them...but the rangers sit there with their thumb up their a$$
how about hindsight number 5: a helmet...this time he was very lucky, but may not be the next time....just my opinion.
Yea you sure would be
Banshee Wars 5 is the second weekend in Feb. 2007
true that it is your time when its your time, but it sure did take him from superbowl qb to suckin a$$
never said you didnt wear a helmet...at least i dont think i did...do you wear a helmet in your buggy..i was out at dumont on halloween and i saw literally five people wearing helmets in buggies all weekend...it just is flabbergasting...i wish the rangers would bust people for that stuff, but it doesnt seem like they do anything....they just drive around in their chevy tahoes....i get tired of people bombing through people's camps...throwing a roost and showing off....you have acres of dunes to do that, why do people feel the need to do it by people's camps..but the rangers never ever stop people from doing that..there is a speed limit by camps but no one (i do however out of respect) ever obeys it and the rangers do not enforce it, so the point is mute....
trust me ive experienced more things in life than most people have in three lifetimes...somehow i doubt you have been going as long as me because you act like you just bought your buggy or atv yesterday...keep riding without a helmet and risk death...its your choice, but there should be rules for your safety and for those who care about their safety..guess you dont really care huh? nope dont work for osha, but do have a law degree so dont talk about aholes in washington until you know the laws... a state has to follow federal law at a minimum becasue that is the supreme law of the land...there is no federal law regarding helmets so CA, NV, etc. have decided to add the requirement of a helmet law for YOURS and other's safety...that is why we have them...whats the point in having any law then? screw it, the U.S. can just be chaos and we can go around robbing and shooting people because why do we need laws???????? like i said, do what you want, i dont care, i was just wondering if the decedents were wearing helmets
joe duner, you are too cool for me....is that a threat, lawyers hate those...im done with you guys...your egos are too big to change
just becuase i have two posts doesnt mean sh*t...i have been riding longer than you and going to dumont longer than you...i can ride better than you and have been racing for years....why do you think the NHRA have safety rules...we need safety rules to save more lives...your ego will have to be put on the back burner for the safety of others...is that okay? so shut your mouth before you know what you are talking about