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    nick james
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  1. ok i have been sitting on this for awhile now and im just sick of looking at it! first 500 bucks takes it! its complete but does not run and the motor is still together but sitting on my garage counter...still comes with all the stuff pictured! 500 firm call me if you want it..im not around a computer much thanks 702 3249204 nick
  2. ill probably end up parting it out over ebay...i looked up parts on there and people are selling parts in worse condition than mine and making over 2000 combined
  3. all these views and nothing? somebody speak up and help me out please? am i asking to much? or is this not a quad that anyone likes? i dont really know much about quad value..is there a better forum just for quadzilla fans?
  4. negative i have not had this quad out in over a year....ill get some pictures together.....i would like to get 1300 for it
  5. you put up pics and all you get is a 100 lookie loos....im just seeing if anyone is even interested and as for price i have no idea what people will pay for this....its rare and bad a$$ but it is still from 1987..like i said if your interested and take the time to ask, it probably means you might actually have cash in hand and ill send you pics
  6. anyone interested in my 87 zilla bored out t 540? if you know the quad its damn fast....i had a head gasket leak and replaced the gasket the wrong way first then i did it again with the copper gasket...in the mean time the stator stopped working and im just not that in to quadzilla tech and enjoying its full potential...basically i just like to ride and not work on stuff....so if any of you quadzilla fans are interested ask me questions or i can get you pictures thanks
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