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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. i will say this...that quad has got to be modded....the acceleration was awesome!!!!
  2. "Hey boss.....my head dont fit in dis here building"
  3. oh yeah...and the place that looks like "The Hills Have Eyes"....TECOPAH
  4. Iam the first one to tell you that i can go from airborne ranger to instabitch in 0.002 seconds if there is a spider involved
  5. THATS where my tackle box went!!!!
  6. he's gonna look like ISBB after that :blush:
  7. its over rated.... :blush: :blush:
  8. as soon as i get the new program and iam able to convert quicktime into a WMV, ill make a 2 wheeler crew and a quad vid too
  9. i just found all the pictures that i could, and started going for it
  10. thats good to see, iam just hoping that people wont use that as an excuse to drive like an a$$ down the road now that its paved. well thank you to all that have been envolved in getting that HUGE improvement.....thanks!
  11. there are some good jumps in this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkrcIo_KmFg...ted&search=
  12. that is cool as hell, you can even make them spin
  13. see if they have your truck on here http://customwheel.com/custom_wheels/softwheels_track.html
  14. i like the truck!!! it kinda looks good with the landscaper wheels
  15. i will make another one soon, with nothing but video shots and only a few still shots, so if you have it send it, ill even add something special just for you....heh heh heh.......or should i say (breathing like Vader....) Hoooooooooo.....Hooooooooooooo...ALLLLL TO EASY...........Hoooooooooooooooooo......Hoooooooooooooooooooo
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgT0rKZMjFw it took me about 2 hours to find the pics and video, and about another 7 hours to make this video, hope you like it. Cole
  17. your car is in here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgT0rKZMjFw
  18. well iam getting the hang of this, it took me about 2 hours to find all the pics, and vid. Then another 7 hours to make this. I hope you all like it Cole http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgT0rKZMjFw
  19. without a ladder....shoulder height down
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