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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. makes my leg hurt! awesome vid
  2. just thought that i would make another post that we all could have fun with.
  3. iam gonna go out on a limb here...i think iam done.......
  4. ahhhhh look everyones got jokes......LMAO you berry phunny round eyes!!! i fink you need own show, comprete wifa sridekick, you take show on road, you make a wrots of monrey...
  5. a little dingy???? yeah let me know the dates, Odie can come play with Duc and Ren
  6. it was a great time, and thanks to all who put up with my antics and ski mask robbery, forgot a few observations Joe, thanks for the 6 dollar burger and beer Tim thanks for the ride in the magic carpet! that friggin thing just floats so nice. woody is just like the paparazzi, everywhere we go and woody is there...there is bound to be a camera. Don needs a tattoo across his belly that says "THUUUUG LIFE!" sobe's never get old blow up sheep can get the "shocker" Tim, thanks for the sand shower.....good aim! and craig will still call me a poopd*ck when i wake him up in the morning with a ski mask on......btw post that pic foo!
  7. well atleast i didnt go home right after that, i let the swollen vaginal area go down and still went for a rail ride!
  8. vegas style is going to get me one of those the next time he goes to Mexico....meanwhile iam going to look for some body armor that is made of NERF!
  9. pins in my leg will make it harder to break next time....LOL
  10. well i did end up breaking my fibula in 2 places, iam currently casted all the way up to my nutz! ill go see an orthipedic surgeon on wednesday and see about getting a couple of pins in there, so no duning for me for about 2 and a half months....DAMMIT!
  11. awesome pics and video....actually suprised that there is no pics with the ski mask....
  12. to many observations, but here is what i remember. Vodka bottles dont make good sobe bombs..but they make great explosions! Randog and Painter Joes dog dont like eachother Randog cant make a 30 yard trip in 300...and it isnt in a straight line either Grimace thinks were all out of control Racinjasen gets sick in Randogs car, and he will dissapear at 11pm and not be seen till 10am the next day. Tim / Joe 's new cars are sweeet Painter Joe, thanks again for the awesome ride in the Pearl....arrrrrghhh BLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBL i have created a monster with "BBBud light presents....." SKI MASKS ARE COOOOOOOL "FIRE IN THE HOLE" Good friends good times check it out.....DRUNK crashin still sucks practical jokes on Don backfire on me...thanks Tim painter Joe makes the biggest dam 6 dollar burger blow up sheep rock! "Take off that mask cole i cant take you seriously!" stand up seat wheelies are cool


    duhhhhh you didnt know? :mc_smiley: :eatdrink021:
  14. craig has a few of those in his trailer
  15. i just like that style, its simple and it looks good, so that way the ol super duty dosent look like every other dune F250 out there
  16. well its easy to get midigets if you dont request to have them in the middle of the desert with 15 guys......
  17. i want a bumper made for my truck, and i want to replace the entire front bumper on my truck as well as the rear, is there anyone out there that can make one?
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