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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. good job april...too bad you couldnt wear the DDR Shirt. your a supa starrrrrrrrrrrrr
  2. i want to throw some paint on my rig, like the ford rough riders


    did i miss something?


    just for you Tim http://www.husnain.com/budlight.htm
  5. iam resting up for this weekend...... unfortunatley.....no midget strippers or amputee's...dam the luck I WANT A PEG LEGGED HOE!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. yeah iam at the Hilton Grand, i run Valet over there next time just honk and wave
  7. that was me, yeah you should have waved...just dont hit this truck...and i wont hit yours.....lol
  8. oh hell no you sumbiches!!! haha, the mowhawk went a couple days later. i was bored. you guys suck.lol btw, this is dan....not cole...
  9. the best in town is gil at NRP in the speedway.
  10. This is DNCHEVYMAN, not ragdollmx...how much do you currently know, have ya done it before, or just thought it looked fun and bought one? doesnt matter either way, just trying to get a feel for how much you know. do you have scales? tools and equipment? do you have a shop to do it in? me and a couple friends could come buy and help ya get it setup one night if you need us to.


    ohhhh its on baby...its onnnnnnn
  12. its been 15 years since i have had to do that (my daughter), the only thing that i could tell you is how to train them like i trained my dog....put their nose in it and tell them no....then send them outside.... sorry iam no help.....


    nope...not givvin up my secrets....my ribs kick arse! we should have a DDR Cook off....see who got the best ribs!
  14. the last picture..........ewwwwwwwwwwwwww its a brown spider
  15. i dont think that the ol F250 had a problem with the 4x8, and Dan isnt living with me, he actually got his old place back.
  16. easy trigger, some of those can be rather incriminating
  17. Come and listen to a story about a man named DAN A poor wiring guy, barely kept his self fed, Then one day he was workin at a shop, And up through the ground came a bubblin' FOOL. Cole that is, in a ford, to san diego. Well the first thing you know ol'Dans a Hundredaire, Kinfolk said Dan move away from there Said Nevady is the place you ought to be So they loaded up the truck and moved to Vegas. North, that is. Swimmin pools, movie stars. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVutfy21PcU The Vegas Hillbillies!
  18. STOMP....lmao....that was me 25 years ago....
  19. it was killin me, my EGTs were through the roof....maybe i should have bought a
  20. well thanks for all the comments, there is nothing like DDR Peeps!
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