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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. yeah iam sure that everyone was laughing at 3am no we wernt drunk, just in a hurry iam not sure where i would have put the wheelbarrow...although i had 2 extra bunjees left over the whip was on the whole way back...forgot to put it down thanks for the offer woody, i almost called you....but no phone # and anyone that did have it was asleep nothing blew out....not sure how that happened...nothing but the bike was tied down in the back and Ed, that size trailer.....thats how i roll :dance:
  2. you dont get anymore Sanford and Son than this.... and the truck
  3. i just e mailed the pics from my cell phone, so ill load them up in a few minutes
  4. yeah he paid for gas there and back, he is a good kid. no complaints here
  5. uggg i wont be doing that again for a while. it takes exactly 2 tanks of gas, 2 5 gallon fuel cans 2 packs of smokes and a 12 pack and 4 red bulls to get to san diego and back.
  6. I borrowed a trailer from chase yesterday, had to pick it up on the east side of town...apparently where they either filmed or got the idea for the movie "The hills have eyes"....,well i left yesterday afternoon at 12:05 for Diego to go get Dan, fought the locals of the United Solialists Republic of Kalifornia, in traffic and highways, detours and illegeals, took my almost 5.5 hours to get there. what fun, we engineered his massive tool box on to the miniature trailer (that wanted to collapse under the weight of the box) and then went off to the house to get the rest of dans exciting life..... loaded a 400 pound engine block into the back of my F250 using more of our engeineering, the use of a motorcycle ramp and some good ol muscle. we got this loaded and finalized about midnight, and about that time i got the bright idea to beat traffic..."hey dan lets just go".....as smart as he is. he agreed knowing that i have more IQ Points and less chloring in my gene pool than he does. so off to a 24 hour walmart. to get some tarps and a bunce of bungees... down the road we go, 5 minutes into it, i wanted to sleep....i was fighting the invisiable ZZZZ Monster with everything i could...thinking and singing to myself and wondering if Dan was doing the same....i started to laugh myself stupid when i tried to think what dan would be singing, and it hit me...remember the old cartoon with buggs bunny and that silly vulture....and the vulture is singing..."iam bringing home a baby bumble beeeee, wont my mommy be so proud of meeee now" yeah that had my attention for quite some time....well as we hit Victorville, i had offocially thrown up the white flag of defeat! ...i need sleep and i need it now. so my idea was to pull off the side of the road and get some sleep. good idea in therory, piss poor execution...all of the passing truckers thought that it would be need to hit their jake brake as they pass.....turds! so i tell dan , lets just pull into victorville and park and sleep for an hour.....well what does Dan Nye the Science guy park???? Under the NORTHERN FRIGGIN LIGHTS!!!...GOOD JOB DANO! the dead couldnt rest in peace there. so off we went. finally getting home at 7am this morning..gawd iam tired, ill be sure to post a picture of our Jed Clampet Moving Trailer later today...its under a tarp right now
  7. your so picky......ill see you tomorrow in diego
  8. book of cole isms....from tiffs suggestions...iam sitting back and here are a few of my favorites. eat a fat babys d*** about as worthless as T*TS on my back your dumber than disco that was about as usefull as a screendoor on a submarine stop what your doing, your sucking the intelligence from my head as we speak! i am sweattin like a fat girl at a free pick nick sweattin like R Kelly at a girl scout meeting your making me dumber just listening to you you could have been on american idle.....one of the first 2 episodes gimmie back the last 2 minutes of my life that you stole if i throw a stick will you go away? you should just hit control alt delete your a turd 100,000 sperm and you were the fastest? Could you drive any better if I shoved that cell phone up your a$$? Death is hereditary. Don't piss me off! I'm running out of places to hide the bodies. Do you Ever stop to think, and forget to start again? Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies. He who laughs last thinks slowest. I get enough exercise just pushing my luck. I'm as confused as a baby in a topless bar. It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others. Multitasking means screwing up several things at once. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard. The problem with you is that you got the shallow end of the gene pool. Your gene pool could use a little chlorine. for that price it better come with hot and cold running whores


    nice!!! pimp lite!
  10. for some reason i dont see a happy outcome for either of us...ill call a truce
  11. watch it....ill create one for you........and you wont like it.....i can learn photoshop in a few minutes.....
  12. and trust me, he caters to those dogs, and the mother (Bailey) is a great dog, with lots of bounce, besides they is goooood eatin! good luck Deven, iam sure like always youll have em sold in no time
  13. havent heard anything yet, i havent even seen a post by them on my myspace about it either.
  14. thanks for your support.....lol
  15. by the way...you might wanna make a correction on your signature OGP Tres Hermanos Rock 01 Tatum Spyder <----------------------survey says.......ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 05 Yamamaha Rhino 660 06 Chevy Duramax 07 TRAILRIDER Toyhauler
  16. nice brother!!!, you gonna let me design the side or are you gonna keep it like that?
  17. how did we start flaming me???????? lol.. maybe i was on unstable ground..... maybe i ......awee fugg it...it was my fault...i wasnt gonna say anything... iam over it
  18. for that price it had better come with hot and cold running whores!!!!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmaszHhbISQ here is the one that loaded so far of petes rail some sobe in camp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdTm_airIt0 petes first wheelie in new blue car http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61VQktIol4I another of petes rail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lBBUfg-Jx0
  20. sorry pete, still waiting on the shortest videos to load....
  21. rhino run with OGP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfWCT6npouI
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