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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. i pulled into the hospitial today and lookie what i saw a fellow DDR Member
  2. i just uploaded 4 videos, 2 of petes rail doing a wheelie, and me and OGP in the rhino, and a sobe bomb, once youtube has done its job ill post them, gimmie a few minutes
  3. looking like a PIMPCESS! :fro: :dance: :redhat:
  4. awesome, i only have a few pics, my camera has seen its last dune season.....RIP
  5. Cole is out of control with sayings and makes me look like I have none...I.E......coo, coo, coo. Eat a fat baby's d**k, turd in a punch bowl. (sometimes iam hearing it for the first time myself) Thanks to Cole for towing me home (anytime mike, hopefully not next time, i wanna ride in it) Cole pissed on my truck, i has no idea ( it was actually beer i poured on it) Craig dosent like to get up early...and i do...with music Anna and Tiff had awesome girl with girl action.......on the 80's Tiff and Jules are too much fun together...aweeeee tiff has good sayings too..."theres a trash!" if there was a sprint race between Tiff and a rolling trash bag....my money is on the trash bag. EVERY TIME bert hit his horn, you could hear atleast 10 people say "Baa BEEEEEERRRRRRTTTTTT" 160 pounds of ice? wtf? and yes i will drive to Shoshone for smokes, and drive to Baker for Diesel fuel. Jules likes where Randog lives, she will actually dance when she says "Rancho Cucomunga, Ranchooo Cucomongaaaa" eating in Baker is a pain in the arse, 45 min to 2 Gyro's..bastids! it is always good to meet DDR Peeps, and its fun to party at the misfit camp, comp at night is always good with lots of wood, beer, friends! to all i met, it was good, to all I know, it was just as good. thanks to all who came out to support the dunes, DDR, FoDD and OUR riding area!
  6. honestly steveo i was making your old tire look new :smoker:
  7. some of my observations: craig (wingnut) and I make a good driving team pete likes some of my sayings......."Drunker than Cooter Brown", "Dumber than Disco", "about as useful as T*ts on my back". stories of dnchevyman never get old craigs truck and my truck make great dune taxi's for rail recovery and comp trips craig dosent remember puttin on Jims tires, or giving tech advice i need to use saftey wire on my bike, or make sure Nicks bike is always around for spare parts. :smoker: Ba Berts hon rocks, and he has a welder? who takes a welder to to dunes? Baaa Berrrrrrrrrrrt! SoBe bombs always rock! OGP has a rail delarship in the dunes...CHOP CHOP CHOP IT! thanks for the shirt tim! Towing a cooler with the 80cc quad is not a wise idea, it was craigs fault wheelies on the 80 are always fun thats all that i can think of right now...ill add more later oh yeah... randogs rail is not that fast....its ok!.............THAT THING IS A FRIGGIN ROCKETSHIP!!!!!!!!!! i know now not to smile while riding with him....eatin sand sucks!
  8. it was a greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat time, its gonna take me a whlile to get my list of observations together, since i was there since Wednesday.
  9. army jeep crash test dummies ultimate crash test fed ex truck crash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4mRN5PICeE&NR more jeep crashin
  10. iam throwing caution to the wind, and ill probably get my pee pee slapped for this....there is some cussing in this, so kick the kids out of the room.....
  11. right on dude! congrats. you gonna bring it out this weekend?
  12. myself, my wife, craig and tiff will be there. i see some quad 80 antics coming, and maybe a broken bone or two.
  13. i wonder what deal with the devil this guy did? amazing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HtOJwql5Vo
  14. cant tonight, i gotta work tomorrow in the am, so i have some dune money this week.
  15. there are some things that just shouldnt be on the internet.....
  16. look at all the inuendows wow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C32OSdSykls
  17. maybe i should post this in the "Singles" Section....
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyMImp9LTko failed stunts
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYffXv7jMYQ steven wright
  20. water bed testing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdDMpx7e-0I
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