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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. http://www.marvinshawshocks.com/ you best bet is to call them
  2. well iam not going to work that weekend so the dunes it is!!! just about done with the wiring, but everytime i start on something, i find something else to work on as well. but everything is an improvement.
  3. well thats good...but if it were my kid...he would be hoping that he was still in that balloon if i found him!
  4. i didnt know his name was Darrel...lol..i thought it was Red Sweater...lol Congrats buddy! you feeling ok?
  5. ive been waiting to see if there was anything found on the kid..havent heard yet
  6. That's very cool .... Where did you score te motor?
  7. whats the time limit in the shower?? great idea! Ill use it!
  8. cruise america http://www.cruiseamerica.com/
  9. changing a diaper around that harness is like going around your elbow to get to your a$$! but she is really happy to be kicking her legs and she has just recently found her feet too!
  10. iam about 90% done with the wiring, just a few more things to do, going to go buy some F.O.A. shocks for the back and see about getting some for the front, so hopefully i just dont blow the motor.. but i have now gone through and color coded and #'d all the wires and made a schematic for it as well. should be ready soon!
  11. well lil miss Ava Marie is now FREE!!!! she got her harness taken off today and the doctor gave her a good clean bill of health on her hips, she has been in this harness since she was 3 days old. She is 4 months as of the 19th.
  12. no i didnt copy and paste, i actually thought about it and typed it...and actually it was the second time i had to re type it because my computer decided to hic up. I could have actually gone on with more facts that can bebacked up but i didnt feel like i should, i made my point.
  13. its plane and simple, He is a socialists and everything that OGP siad is true, I dont belive that a person like him deserves the Nobel peace prize. He has done nothing but drive this country further and further in debt. Everybody wanted to have "Change" well we got it...His approval rating is 42%, which is worse that Bush's War machine has ever produced. Obama has done nothing to make life better for any US Citizen, He has take the American Dollar and driven it into the ground to make it almost not worth the paper its printed on. Giving money away to corperations that can not manage themselves. with the exception of holders of the "Golden Parachutes". The United States has always helped those in need, I know this for a fact, I was there...(Hati, Somalia, Bosnia, and Kuwait) either handing out food, clothes, building water treatment....doing everything to keep from these poor people that are not able to defend themselves alive from the Tyranny of those who feed on the greed of their own self worth. Has he stopped that? NO. Has the president taken care of those who voted for him? NO he wants to have our grand childeren pay tomorrow for the travesties of today. So no i do not feel that he deserves such an award. That award was to be given out to someone who promoted peace, made a miracle drug such as pennicillian or a HIV Vaccene, created some device to stop using natural resourses. Not to be given to someone just to fill a void. I blame the council that awards the prize, Did you know Ghandi did not even get one? I would say he is the largest promoter of peace next to Mandella and Jesus!! A person that refuses to wear the american flag PRIOR to becoming the leader of the free nation, refused to support the United States in its foriegn wars on terrorism, will not make a decision on a war that has been on going for 8 years, refusing to listen to his Generals in request for more troops to squash the terrorists...once again i can go on. Quit going on your "Apologetic Tour" for what the US has done to help out countries that have not the equipment, man power or even the spine to help ones self.
  14. really??? for what??? (for extra ordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people) He is the 3rd president to get it. Roosevelt, Carter and knucklehead. ...he should have gotten a Guiness record for the most spending! un real! i know this thread will go south fast...let me make it clear first...i dont like him, his views, his spending and his lack of leadership and standing behind the military....not because he is black... I personally think that he is the Anti-christ...but thats just me.
  15. mine too...and to top it off...GRAVES!!!!...but if i want a dune trip i just let my boss know and then i switch days...too easy!
  16. i firmly belive people should be able to do what they want in their own house, but when it crosses the line between "work in progress / usebale material" to hazardous, bio hazard or junk, then something should be done. I can even tolerate something of an eyesore. I know that there are several of these "Eclectic" houses around town...(I do remember theres one off of sand mountian and flamingo area too). well the second thing, if you moved in after this guy....shame on you...lol
  17. here are some better pictures old wiring that was on the car: New wiring. Light bar with lights steering colum with out dash and with back dash area Me welding dave working and dave being sneaky we have been really busy with this car, but it has been worth it, its been a learning lesson from day one! we should have it completly done in the next week for a shake down and then off to Dumont for halloween!!
  18. well i hope that alot of peeps can make it, it will be a blast!
  19. WE put in a new dash and a rear dash last night.
  20. lets make this clear Cole is not the only one doing this...he keeps sayin I,I,I...NOoooooooooooooooooo...ITs Dave and Owen...He just stands there lookin pretty....NOT!...............LoL Love ya Cole....
  21. here are the latest updates, iam too tired to play with it today, so i have tomorrow off and i get started on the wiring tomorrow. but yesterday i put on the light bar, fuel tank mount, shock mounts, steering colum and light tabs.
  22. i did want to mention....you "tip" over a beer...soda...even a child...you dont "tip" over a rail.. i stopped by and saw Richie today, checked out the car, its in great shape, just a few things mentioned before and it will be good to go...and Richie is good too!
  23. i didnt realize i was logged on under owens screen name...lol...OOPS! I sent that pic to Richie...in between laughs i got a big FAWK YOU...
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