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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. here is the video of that R1 street bike that jumps about 20 feet http://videos.streetfire.net/recentvideos/...D61B65EB21B.htm
  2. at least jules was there in spirit.
  3. police pursuit...now watch the dodge diesel out run the BMW and the cops... http://videos.streetfire.net/video/4effb42...87a016f08fb.htm
  4. for allllll of my brothers in arms Semper Fi Hoorah...GO Army!
  5. army bloopers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0xwoAq4weg&NR
  6. BUSTED!!!! no i didnt watch the whole thing, i got about 10 minutes into it, and then i was distracted by something shiney...sorry..
  7. now iam a huge Bond Fan, and i dont think anyone out there is a bigger bond fan than me, but i did find this interesting...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zygt_nGBGb0...ted&search=
  8. so i take Tiff and Jackie to Hendertucky for TT, (iam looking like a pimp) and as we get there and park in the dirt lot. Tiff decides to "Lawn Dart" Outta my truck....all i see is blonde hair and a tramp stamp tattoo flying out of my truck. and i hear her laughing hystarically. that was a start of a good night. we ended up taking up the whole back side of the bar, and we all had a good night....messes with wingnut via text messages, sent Julie a few as well (her being in NY and all) but we had a great time, and Craig...i babysat well...
  9. ya know, let me check my garage first...... here is some FMX...ups and downs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_4WYaJeQec
  10. and people think I have to much time on my hands....check this guy out a little streetbike carnage?
  11. beer commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBEe_4rBezw got beaver? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5IlxYlcmYU...ted&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7mgV_ZxDLk...ted&search=
  12. i think i have been bamboozeled into going.....
  13. can you add video into a slide show like that? that was purty dam kewl!
  14. i dont think anyone will make it this week, iam sick , my wife will be in New York, and everyone is going south for the night
  15. Kenny should be able to do that with the "invisa-rail" J/K brother, i couldnt resist
  16. besides its not on my back.....its on my butt
  17. classic..... now add about 100 feet to that, and iam sure thats what i looked like a few weeks ago
  18. well droppin off my truck today and gettin new tires and my nerf bars put on today! :mischevious: i had to get the bars only because my wife is 4'11" and she plays hell gettin in, i dont wanna see her get hurt :mischevious: and with the new tires, ill have a bit of a peice of mind while dunning :mischevious:
  19. :gayboy: i would personally do that, but i look horrible in a thong and hooka boots
  20. vicki, in what way are we going to be heard? will we be able to have a moment to actually say something? having worked in the industry for the last 8 or so years, i can definatley show what it would do to the industry as well as the money that Polaris and Yamaha and Honda give to public lands so that the sport can continue.
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