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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. i bet it took you all week to think that up huh?
  2. i have been virtually quiet through this whole thing, and i have spoken with Steve (donutz&dunz) (spelling). but either way, let me say this. judge not ye be judged, in other words, please do me a favor, attempt to walk a mile in "their" shoes, as a prior LEO myself, and a trainer for law enforcement for several years, working as either a Military Police Officer, or in my prior Civilian occupation as Dept of Defence Police officer, you deal with all kinds of people, some LEO's can understand it and they are able to be like Steve, and "adjust fire" when facing either a "Turd" or a "Good Person". It seems that he has the right idea, and would rather give a verbal warning or a written warning, rather that write a ticket. I was that kind of cop, if i were to pull someone over for speeding.....well your attitude determined your ticket. I have written up to 9 tickets on one person....yeah i was being a D*ck, but so was he. So you do need to understand that its not just you that he is dealing with, its everyone, his department, his cheif, leuitenant, and 80,000 duners that most likley hate rangers. so understand his fustrations. Cole
  3. i have a set of "Used" black rhino pipes for a rhino, 3 bills, and they are clean and i just re-packed them too
  4. youll never see my super duty fly......no sireee
  5. iam going to donate an "unoffocial/offocial Knitted DDR Sweater" and if all goes well ill donate a brand new Moto-stick ( $200.00 ) i just have to work the finances for it, but its lookin good to do that.
  6. iam still a bit sick for it so iam gonna gracefully bow out of this one
  7. 171 foot rally car jump http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDi0MZJZ-w0...ted&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBne7TonfpU...ted&search=
  8. were still a bit on sick side, so were gonna pass on this weeks TT. Hey tiff give Jules a call on her Cell
  9. i did that on my bike....but apparently i got knocked out on the landing...a bit fuzzy
  10. iam going to be biased on this one FORD
  11. it looks like you got a awesome set of wheelie bars on the back of your truck
  12. shadow puppets...unreal parental advisory advised...no nudity
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vElZ_5QR5oE...ted&search= i want to do this soooo badddd...but with my recent record...not to wise weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee what the hell?? some train surfing i want to go to disneyland just for this alone
  14. jimmy jump, you know he is hurtin not sure if i posted this before.. super jump, rocket car....
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0Gvc9gONTM and this is why you dont dune your truck some cussing in here
  16. this is how it should look when its done....
  17. on my way back from kingman yesterday i stopped by, but Pete no en la casa
  18. yup, and rather tasty tooo
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