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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. my parents were hippies and smoked alot of Reefer "littering annnnd, littering annnnnnnnd............smoking the reefer"
  2. i know brother, its all good, the reason i go by Cole, is because most people will slaughter my first name. there is always something added or subtracted from it Cody Corey Coby or sometimes when i tell them my name is Cole they assume i said Paul whateva
  3. he is gonna get a star and ornaments on it later
  4. wtf???? now that is an awesome YSR50 i should have kept mine. and easy with the real name.....turd
  5. hey dan, look its a 50,000.00 beer coaster! nice rig!
  6. you think ticket prices will come down since they dont have to pay those salaries?
  7. hi iam cole and i can count to potato!
  8. ok gang here are the pics.........finally complete with the DDR Starter Kit
  9. if some jerk threw a rock at me, id roost them! turds! well mistakes happen and it dosent sound like you were being a turd. so shame on them. i dig the car too! and if you run through my camp, you better have some empty seats!
  10. well you can bet well be going there from now on, and we might even change it to Saturday night so everyone can come out, since i have to work at night i can only hang there for a while and then go to work, so one of the girls might have to wife sit my wife while iam working and she is driving.
  11. very nice work....obviously you dont go under low bridges with the rhino that set up is the muttz nutz :dance: and I DO like Dodges so it looks great, and congrats on the cover! hope it only gets better for ya!
  12. well were already going to the lodge tonight, but i guess from now on its on like Donkey Kong at your Pub
  13. is this pub owned by a DDR Member?????? hmmmmm a possible beer sponsor?? maybe next thursday fo sho
  14. i think its awesome that he gets into mags, once you start getting into those, then people in the idustry want to be associated with you, so you make contacts and you only get bigger. kudos to him
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/Human-Skull-Head-Walki...1QQcmdZViewItem :eatdrink021: http://cgi.ebay.com/BIZZARE-BELLY-UP-TO-TH...1QQcmdZViewItem i saw something about atari above how about this? http://cgi.ebay.com/ATARI-2600-SYSTEM-CONS...1QQcmdZViewItem here is what i had http://cgi.ebay.com/Colecovision-System-Ex...1QQcmdZViewItem this puts the UGG in UGLY!!!!!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-F-150-...092989462QQrdZ1
  16. 8pm ish Ann & Tenya the Lodge, go to the pool table area, the ones drinking will be us
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