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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. we were there last time till 2am, this time we wont be there that late, but we should be there then
  2. i think its great that they were draggin eachother, they also have the same interest as us, just put a whip on their bikes! Duhhhh who polices the police?
  3. well since everyone has beat up the whole flag issue, so ill just say this...the one on the KX should be wearing MX Boots!!!
  4. as a matter of fact ill wear my DDR Knitted sweater from Pete
  5. well i emailed nick and told him that i would help...if he wants it
  6. hey nick, ill do it... ive been in the gym, so iam down to a 32, waist...and iam dead seaxyyyyyyy
  7. well be there long after that..... i actually wont get there till 8, i have Muy Thai at 5 till 7
  8. it is a shame no matter what, wether you die on the way to work, sittin at your dest, shaggin your wife or ridin the dunes. but it does happen, accidents happen alot, I have been hurt several times out there, both accidents, been knocked out once..(apparently iam known as the Seth Enslow of Dumont) but If i were to die out there, i wouldnt want anyone to stop doing what they love, if anything go on a group ride for me. now the knuckleheads out there that want to drink and ride, and put some one elses life at risk should be dealth with accordingly. and if that means that you take yourself out of the gene pool because of your stupidity to drink and ride, well thats up to you, just dont take someone else out with you. RIP to all that have passed!
  9. you know ill be there with ya!!! save me a seat!
  10. well i see dan all the dam time, so ill have a beer with him over here
  11. dont forget kids, this thursday 8pm the lodge on Ann & Tenya
  12. you know that there are 2 thirsty thursdays now
  13. RACE? didnt know about a race. get there early only way to beat the traffic at LVMS
  14. ill have my 4x4 out there and iam bringing a flat bed trailer, so i can load DDR Peeps on it and we can gather as a group!
  15. well for the DDR Cleanup, i have already bought 5 big boxes of trash bags, and ill be bringing a trailer and a tarp so that i can bring alot more back.
  16. ill cruise to comp but you wont see me going up any hill...on the flats is where ill stay, thats why i bought a dirt bike
  17. its a 2000, and its pretty clean, i have a few little things i need to do to it, i definatley need some nerf bars (already ordered)...gotta let the little lady get in the truck.....LOL...she has a hell of a time at it now btw... Ed, i put a call in to to ins, iam waiting to get a call back from them and they will let me know how much to buy it. (the S10)
  18. well, i needed to go get another truck, and i didnt get a quarter ton, got another F250 super crew, and its 4wd, so no more getting stuck 10 feet out of camp anymore so when i go pick up the truck ill post pics. btw, they wanted to sell the truck for 19,500, and i got the truck down to 13,600..so not a bad deal
  19. tickets?!?!?!? BLM!?!?! YFZChick "attempting" to beat people up sounds like fun, sorry i missed it, but i got alot of entertainment watching all the NBA Fans beat eachother up....."Thinning the Herd" gotta love it. glad you all had fun, glad no one got hurt.
  20. chad vader part 6 http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...eoid=1960315984
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