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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. i obviously didnt go, and iam not much for the big weekends either, i would rather go during the middle of the week when no one is there
  2. insurance has it, but i can ask them how much they want if i decide to buy it back, let me know and ill call them
  3. i didnt sign for him...he is on his own when the puking starts...lol
  4. http://aclu.org/pizza/images/screen.swf
  5. 2.5 hours and counting!!!!!!!!!! ill be there right at 8pm kids
  6. just get a helmet and a chest protector.....i would know....apparently iam slightly gravitionaly challenged :yeah_whatever:
  7. Iam getting one made that says "Poopd*ck" on the front....and on the bakc it says...."Pete Knitted this shirt"
  8. how about this??? http://www.armada.ch/03-1/complete_03-1.pdf
  9. gettin closer...11 hours and counting!
  10. did you know that you can not touch your elbow with your toungue? i wonder who is going to try that?!?!?!?
  11. after the week that i have had.....i need to tie one on....ill just let someone else drive
  12. its no biggie, ill have it done this week, and before i give it to them ill get some time on it so that it is mostly broke in
  13. looks like someone has been drinking some "Hateraide"
  14. ok kids, since Hendertucky is not a 3 hour tour and iam not on the SS Minnow, I figured we will have our own thirsty thursday on the NW side of town. Jules and I will be at "The Lodge" on Ann & Tenaya this thursday at 7 or 8 pm for anyone who wants to meet up with us. if you get a bit sloshed, you can hang at our house, till you sober up. Anyone is welcome to come meet us up there. :chev_bowtie: :chev_bowtie:
  15. i seem to have some time on my hands, and when i do, i usually find things to amuse myself, iam sure that before long i will be at the end of the internet.....
  16. got the rhino back today, was puking oil and sputterint well here is what the deal was, the front part of the piston somehow got a chunk taken out of it, and the rings didnt seat properly, so tomorrow i will have the cylinder bored out and put a new set of piston and rings in it, and hopefully have it back to them by friday, just need to take it easy and break it in slowly and easily.
  17. this could be neat to see around here...them gold wings got some power...i just dont think they would tow a duramax though :freakin_nuts:
  18. Jeep actually does some of that stuff, my buddy used to do it all the time, he would get the #s off of a website and then try to find it, and if you did find it, you would take it and replace it with something else. Jeep used to have these little toy jeeps that they put in places, well if you got the jeep, you could read the #s on it and send it to Jeep with the coordinates and they would send you between $200.00 to $500.00. i have a garmin rhino 120, but i just use it to map out stuff and get elevations.
  19. well its all about the women.. i got mine some Victoria Secrets stuff some expensive arse perfume and some bed sheets that she wanted from pottery barn she had better buy me dinner....
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