so i just finished getting my windows tinted, and filled up my truck, came on to durango towards El Capitian, and then i see this little blue caviler missle heading across all 3 lanes towards me!!!!!!
so i swerve toward the right to avoid this unguided missle, then next thing i know i hear this horrific sound of my fresh metal turning into scrap!
i suddenly feel this jarring to the right and a bit weightless ness...(because my truck is now AIRBORNE) and it spins to the right and strikes a harmless plymouth voyager mini van!
the bed is smashed, the axle is twisted, driveline is no longer in its original position either...but dam those windows sure look good tinted!!!!!
no injuries to myself, other than i feel like i took a ride in a blender....dammit i should have went to DUMONT instead!!!!