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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. ill help you out with that one....since i kinda helped move it over
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIKiN8hzTK8...ted&search= i remember when i was there back in 92, we used to watch them do this all the time....bunch of nuts, they are even into dune riding as well. its the UAE dudes with all the money. a little "Western" influence................. dam you infidels!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNrjWQhprFY...ted&search= sand skating
  3. Vanessa Marcil...is so hot, she is the only reason that i watch "Las Vegas"
  4. i just picked up a 2000 S10 extra cab, its a cross between ISBB's and PaulyPauls old trucks....its my "PaulyBB" truck anyhow, i want to lift it and put 30's on it, anyone know what lift to go with?
  5. dan cleaned up his mess before he even went to bed though........ so yea. no puke mess here. im goin to bed now... tomorrow ill add to the listg\
  6. 1. Colts won!!! 2. Tiff takes alot of pics 3."Horsesh*t" was the word of the day 4."Poopd*ck" was the second word of the day 5. the friggin game was rigged in the first half 6. rolled ham with with squishy mystry center stuff still rocks 7. DDR Peeps still rocks!!!!!! 8. we were at a football game when mass drinking broke out! 9. did i say that DDR Peeps rock?!?!?!?!?!? 10. see Tiff for pics!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11. Dan can pass out in our car and we wouldnt know till we got halfway home 12.Dan throws up in our back yard
  8. going over to wingnuts and Tiffs for the party today!
  9. So who do you think will win?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_POuAuoBWY
  11. nothin on that google look OH.......................... wow that was a very nicely placed tattoo...oh wow...she is hot
  12. anyone post the pics of your own HOTTIES
  13. Dnchevyman and I were having this discussion the other day, and my top 4 pics of who i think is hot are: (not in this order either) who are your hotties? post clean pics...dont give pete a heart attack Rachel Ray Jessica Beil Jessica Alba and last but not least Pauly Perrette (From NCIS)
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