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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. thank you, we just have to re run some wires and brake lines, and then throw some paint and were good.
  2. just shoot Julie an Email and ask here that is her deal..
  3. well a few years ago we had a bad a$$ new years eve party in a tiny house.... well its time for a halloween party in a big a$$ house. so here it is. 1 week before Halloween. Friday Oct 23 starts at 8pm so bring your costume, lets have some fun 7213 London Bridge 89130 cnj7673@hotmail.com Jules and I would like to know who is coming in advance so we can get grubb squared away, so please let us know who can come. thanks again....hope to see most of you out here. Cole and Julie....and lil Ava "Smudge"
  4. i never said it was his quads fault... i merely said i softened its blow towards earth!...and yes the quad fell...down....on top of me....right after we went up a hill.....that it didnt like.........at all......not one bit....
  5. the guy that is helping us build one is "twistedcj" owen, he has built a bunch of rock crawlers, so he has some good experience building them. just adding that experience and saftey into the rail. thanks for the props! here is the stock cage and the new cage difference
  6. old news chad...i broke my leg while softening the fall of Wingnuts quad as it hurdeled towards earth..since 06 or 07 ish... it has just taken this long to get a good doctor to do the surgery. and yes...Dumont first...almost done with the car,...got to get some time in first then ill be off for thanksgiving too!!..WOOO HOOOO..i dont even care if i have to just chill at camp...at least ill be at Dumont!!!!...lol
  7. Just got the word today that iam going in for surgery Nov 20th for my leg!! Should be out for about 6 weeks. Originally it was going to be scheduled for Nov 6th...but that interferes with the Poker Run @ Dumont on Nov 14th...Priorties people.....Priorites!
  8. here are pics of it, sorry about the crappy cell pics.
  9. that sucks, but because your mods are so unique it should be easier to find, ill keep a look out for sure!
  10. no....why....lol this isnt normal?
  11. cant wait to see where this goes.... petes not the kind of guy thats shy or ashamed of some of his Shenanigans....
  12. It looks like Ju and I will go not sure if were going to bring the baby. But we will go on sunday.
  13. Actually....I have a compulsive habit to count stairs. I don't know why. So I already have a stair count in the entire hard rock. AND Iremember them too!
  14. i got a text back from him last night..apparently iam going to be guarding a fire hydrant
  15. so i decided to mess with my boss today and i emailed these to him... the original picture: the photoshoped pics: anyone else good with photoshop?? iam not that good, id like to put him in a star wars pic.. like this one...
  16. we are looking for a 3/4 ton or a 1 ton right now...we will see what we can find.
  17. post a pic of where it is... from what iam thinking, i would use something that looks similar to a ATC 70 chain tensioner. uses 2 bolts in a slide plate with a spring tensioner.
  18. Dave has a Dodge Ram 1500 4x4, its not going to set any land speed records getting there, but it will still get there.
  19. were going to just color match paint it for now, and after this season were going to do a complete teardown and rebuild..but it will take almost all summer for that, we want to take our time and do some things differently, and add some new parts.
  20. about a week ago I had Woody go check out a hauler out by his house and it looked good, so i need something to haul the sandrail and bikes, so this was one of the best deals out there, its a 99 Forest River 27 footer. So Dave and I both decided to pitch in and have our online buisness buy it. So thanks to Allforkedup, and some patience. Thanks woody for going out to look at it. Beers on us next time were out there at the dunes!!!!
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