here is my cheVETTE story....
most of you that were at the new years party met my parents, well my dad has a great sence of humor...especially with us kids...
well my sister was about to turn 16, and she wanted a car somthing feirce, well she bugged my dad for the whole year, and dad kept telling her that she would get one soon. so as the days neared to her sweet 16, she kept asking "Dad what kind of car am i getting?" no real reply from my dad.
Finally one day he had enough of my lovely sis, and told her.
Dad:i found you a chevette.
my sister (not all that bright) said " oh my gawd your getting me a VETTE!?!?!?!?"
Dad: yeah a CheVETTE
Sis: bwaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuu (running and screaming)
me: snicker....giggle...nudge nudge....Dad....she thinks your getting her a VETTE, not a Chevette....
Dad: I know...(laughing hysteriaclly inside)
so we didnt have the heart to tell her right away, and let the next 4/10 days go by, meanwhile she is telling all her friends and peeps at school that she is getting a got out of hand for a while, (other parents were calling mine expressing their disaproval over my parents decision in getting my not so smart sister a Vette)
Well B Day has arrived....heh heh heh
i got to the car first....i had to drive it to the on the way i stopped at d*cks auto a pair of pliers and screw driver and made the Chevette logo, (on each fender) now said VETTE...
when arriving at my house my sister walked out and saw this abortion that was soppused to be a corvette....well i told here it is a Vette yes...they just forgot the Cor at the could have lifted her jaw with a dad and i dam near pissed ourselves, my mom was pissed(for letting the joke go so far)...and sister didnt talk to dad for about a month..didnt even drive the car for the first 2 weeks....finally she drove it, and when she got out of highschool, that poor vette looked like the one Pete had....thats my Vette story