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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. got some more work done today with Mike, so now were just bending some tube and adding some supports.
  2. tht looks awesome!!! i love the front end, thats over at Bills shop isnt it? i recegnize the Hummer in the back with 6 over a arms on 38s awesome build!!! what did you do with your old v dub parts?
  3. i know what iam gonna be for halloween!!! BAREFOOT BOB!!!! iam gonna stick my belly out and not wear any shoes !!!!! ill even carry a del taco bag and some goggles!!
  4. as i spit my Oreo and milk every where!!! wellllllllllll...it wasnt safe!..and we ALL know how gravationally challenged iam..so this is for the better..:lol:but hell yeah!! i cant wait to go play!! if Were lucky we should see a Toy hauler by the end of the week!!! YIAH! YIAH! and by the way...Ava cant wait to meet Ryder!!..Just think Randy...youll be family!!!!!
  5. annnnnnd here are the pics...i didnt want to steal your thunder.....:mischevious:
  6. :mischevious: didnt mean for it to be this big of a project...but oh well..it is what it is...
  7. well after tearing into the new buggy, there were some previous modifications that looked like a recovering crack head attempted to take up a new hobby. so over many beers and long discussions on the frame, we decided to take to top of the rail off. were going to make the top of the buggy about 2 inches taller, and extend the roof out about 4 inches, and make the down tubes about 4 inches out. were moving the battery tray and making it level, and easier to access. Were re enforcing in the rear and putting the proper bracing where it should be. so as shocked as you might be, its for the better.
  8. yup sounds like somethingi just stepped into myself.. now dont get me wrong..i knew that i was getting a 2500.00 rail..i KNEW it would need work..what work?? i had nor have any idea, but iam happy with my buy. I was a little shocked at some of the welds or lack their of. but i dont care i told myself and Dave that we are buying a 2500.00 car so that way we couldnt get our hopes to high, and iam glad i didnt. we have alot of work to do to the frame...almost thought about scraping this frame and starting over, but this one will get us through this season. We will either build or buy the next frame. but were happy about this anyway!
  9. here are some pics of what we are having to work with... soon...CHOP...CUT...REBUILD!! cleaning it today Dave and his tramp stamp cutting out the floor some bad welds that i will have to take care of and then i have the supervisor that will let me know when its nap time!
  10. well the seats are a bit big, but now that we have spent the last 4 hours cutting all the stuff that dosent need to be there, they should fit fine. (Jodi has pics), and looking at some welds, i am a bit nervous about the strength of them, so were going to do some modifying to the cage. and add some structural integrity to it. so before it even comes out of the garage were putting alot of work into it so its safe. Pics to come
  11. well i went and picked up the car yesterday, and made my way back to vegas to start on a well needed surgery and rehab. there are alot of "little" things we need to do to get it ready for season. so on the way out to 29 Palms, i took the Kalbaker way, so i turned off at Nipton and started on through Cima, I missed the turn and ended up where apparently the pavement ends for 23 miles...I do belive this is the part where the Hills Have Eyes...i quickly turned around and checked the GPS and i was back on track. passed on through Cima, and into Kelso, saw the Kelso Dunes and took some pics. I finally made it into Joshua Tree where i picked up the car at my buddies house (Mike Wilson, cause Don had to be at work till 5). Loaded up and off to Vegas!! Got cruising down the road. The trailer i borrowed from indasand was trailing just fine, only the tire carrier was getting rather abused from the beating we were taking from the road, and the bolt that holds the bar in place loosened up and i just happened to look back when a see a paddle tire breaking several laws...passing in a no passing zone...no signaling....not maintaining control...the violations go on and on... so i ended up pulling over and re loaded the paddles and down the road again. Finally made it home, started looking at the car and then grabbed some tools. Mike, Dave, and Jodi and I just started into the surgery. Here are the pics.
  12. 1400 hp??? Wtf that's bad a$$! Iam super impressed with these 400 hp motors in the 4:01:28 AM cars. I couldn't imigane adding another 1000!
  13. I just picked up some new suspension seats today. Got an awesome deal on them. Ill be picking up my new belts from craig in a few days. Or when I get back from 29stumps
  14. Well iam leaving right after work tomorrow at 8am. So ace if your out and about ill link up with you. Give me a call @ 702 726 0497... Cole. Thanks again Brian for use of the trailer and thanks terry for the offer.
  15. I had quite a few people ask about it after it was done. I definatley think with a little more advertising and we do it a few more times we have have larger turn outs. I'd like to do it again.
  16. Well I wasn't going to go into details. But. dave and I have been selling vintage ATC forks on line for about a year. And it has gotten us a lot of cool stuff. The 70s, rail a toy hauler, our rangers and dune trips. So yes its ours. And we both will drive it after a battle of "ro sham bo". Lol.
  17. love how this guy thinks mine mine all mine..... here to you and MY new adventure,,,bud...drive safe
  18. lets get this right this isnt his rail its mine to......get it right cole baby...lol...this is his partner in crime Dave
  19. been keeping it on the DL untill i was ready to go pick it up, so here are some of the pics that i got on it so ill update it when i get it home. so since its purple, iam going to build some side panels for it and get some Vynil for it and it shall be named "Grape Ape" this is whats going on the side panel.
  20. CHA CHING!!!! need two more win...lol... everyone at work thinks i have no soul and are trippin out that i called it..
  21. OMG, they added 5 more pages!! i like the C-3PO one!!!
  22. cool, thank you guys...alot!!! ill get a hold of one of ya by tomorrow. thanks again
  23. well next week iam going up to 29stumps (29palms) to go get my sand car, does anyone have a 14foot trailer that i could use for the day? i was looking at going up on wednesday morning and coming back either that night or first thing the next morning. the car is 12 foot long and 76 in wide and weighs about 1200 pounds. thanks Cole
  24. i agree....as a matter of fact...iam down 40.00 in coffee pizza and 2 v dub manuals..BUT..i did get a free set of CV shafts for my buggy!..so i did good...
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