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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. well i dont want to sound like a "Disgruntled Employee" but its gonna sound that way. as i recall saying before thank you for all of you that came to the store to get your gear. Well i was able to get all DDR Members a simple 10% discount so that all of you could try to support local shops instead of going on line. well here is my message to all of you. well the parts manager decided to recend that offer, (apparently it came off the top of her check) I fought it untill they threatened me with my job. so I couldnt pursue the matter any further. their excuse was...that "DDR is just a website, they are not real riders, they are not a real 'Group' " so there went the discount. then about a week later i picked up "KensColors" tires that he had already ordered and payed for, i brought them to his house, (he does live across the street from my brother in law) so i had someone pick them up in the computer and print a receipt and then i brought them to Ken. (apparently i was accused of stealing them, until i had to prove my innosence). i was treated rather rudly by their so called expert parts manager and asst manager on a daily basis, so i dont feel that i need to be treated that way. after all i sold more a month for the last 3 months than anyone. but that is ok. on that note, iam very opinionated, so if your feelings are hurt easily or you get butt hurt easy...dont ask. the company has a 40% + mark up on all parts, refuse to give a rider or racer any discount, no matter how much you spend, they are all in it for themselves. the company gets pretty much free shipping due to the fact that they have almost 30 stores, yet they charge shipping on everything, so once again they are making more and more money for themselves. they purposly cheat everyone, there are only about 2 guys in parts that actually know what they are doing, and that dosent say much. I was told this morning that my services were no longer needed.....not due to lack of performance, but due to "Sarcasim".....yes my snide comments is what pissed them off. i knew it was coming, so i had already lined up my old job doing ATV Tours. today was my last day no matter what. Iam not doing this to be spite full.....ok maybe a bit....but the main reason for this was due to what the assistant manager actually told me.. Hoz: "no one gets a discount, not even your DDR Guys" Me: "why?" Hoz: " because we own everystore there is....we can charge what we want.....where else are they all gonna go?" Me:......"Duhhhhh welcome to 2006 there is the internet ya know" Hoz: " Dosent matter, they will get tired of it and come here, people are lazy and they wont want to wait, and they wont go out of town" Me: (thinking)...uh huh....wait till i get a keyboard in front of me...."ok sure Hoz, whatever you say" these coporations dont care about the sport, your loyalty, or your love of the ride...all they care about is your money that they will suck from your wallet, they dont care about how much you spend, or who you are...just ask Bill Plise, bought over 100K in motorcyles in one year......so to sume it up...i left the company today, iam going back to do ATV Tours. take this as a warning to all who shop there. DONT SUPPORT AZ MOTORSPORTS GROUP also known as: Ride Now Powersports Las Vegas Motorsports World Motorcycles Motorcycle City they are all owned by the same coporate company, i have seen first hand
  2. were outta coffee?!?!?!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH .............................................................................. so have you ever seen a grown man naked?
  3. i think its cool that someone overcame their handicap!!!! if it were me with a handicap, id still be riding...one way or another.
  4. well not a quote from fear and loathing...but my two favorites are "we have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigerettes, and were wearing sunglasses at night....were on a mission from god".....blues brothers and one from another fav... "you and that frickin rope"....Boondock saints
  5. just as good as this one right? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=43...a+guy&hl=en
  6. did you know that pete knits too?!?!?!?
  7. thats funny! i like the wounded dolphin
  8. nothing better than a wake up call from 1100Meters away....
  9. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????? "Google is your friend" google + images =....duhhh
  10. Cmon i thought others were playing?!?!?!?!
  11. oh yes, my father was in the Corps for 33 years Ret a light Col. ive seen the rifle team in action, tooooo cooool for schoool!!
  12. the wounded dolphin is great....morbid...but great!
  15. shush man...get to posting pics...obviously your bored or you would not have read this...now get to postin
  16. ok here is the deal You need to find the following in pictures...add it into one post, not a bunch of posts. pictures: Sandrail wheeling Rhino jumping BBQ trailer/car (built in) pic of dunes with no one riding street bike in the dunes knac knac in the dunes dog in the sand dunes wounded dolphin pic of ISBB when he was skinny.
  17. LMAO....just for that iam going to do it.....
  18. iam so going to do this....all i need is the assless chaps and some football pads...some flat black paint and some fur....
  19. this is what iam thinking about....straight up ROAD WARRIOR and Nick ISBB can dress like this
  20. i have said it once and ill say it again..... you all need adult supervision
  21. yep, not alot of bends (to slow down or even muffle the sound)...and one big arse opening...VROOOOOM
  22. i remember when i used to read this as a comic book when i was a kid, i cant wait to see this http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4...87012&hl=en
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