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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. it took me a minute for the sand in crack, but thats funny
  2. here is the link for all the plates https://dmvapp.state.nv.us/PlateAV/plateav_...background.aspx and here is the link for the personal plates https://dmvapp.state.nv.us/PlateAV/PlateAV_Input.aspx
  3. lol...not hardly, i want to stretch out the diesels legs and see how it runs on a long trip, cmon Ken lets go play in the sand.
  4. pfffffttttttttttttttttttttt, dumont is bigger, c mon kayla
  5. here are my ideas whats yours?, remember its a super crew F350 Dually
  6. well here is the deal, iam going to dumont this weekend, but only on Sunday the 1st....anyone want to go? iam leaving at 5am, i gotta get some riding in since i wont be able to go to during Banshee wars (ill be running a firing range for the army) so who wants to go?
  7. i can get you some busa filters, i just have to order them
  8. well it almost sounds sarcastic...i cnat tell..can you smart arse?...lol....
  9. I wanted to thank you all who have come to the shop that i work at. Iam glad that I have been able to help save any of you anymoney and hopefully i have been able to give you all a good deal. I do thank you all for your support at my shop, i know that the company isnt easy to work with at times, but i went to bat for for all DDR Members and you all have showed me and the company that it is worth it. Cole Sports West (now Ride Now)...221-9762 sorry pete i didnt know exactly where to post this.
  10. yeah its 5th gear pinned...where it leaks is bad.....
  11. Tony i want yours to go on the dyno, i need to see what a stocker 450 does...how about it?
  12. we also ran a second run on the dyno with some better gas, will have some results later tonight
  13. yeah yeah yeah....iam gonna start running spell check on you...lol
  14. wingnut, its just neat to see what the #s are, i had no idea that my bike would be 40.9hp, i actually thought that it would be bigger HP stock. so iam actually dissappointed.
  15. bahhhhh, i ran 2 tanks, broke mine in, put hot cams in it and rode it...ill check on a price for the pipe tomorrow at work, and PM you.
  16. that thing wreaks with the essence of uber gay
  17. Dan comes into our shop all the time. iam always wanting to put some racing sticker or some race #s on his brace, he just laughs

    1st trip

    it will be fast enough to beat me....so i wanna ride
  19. some JB Weld, bailing wire and bubble gum....youll be good to go
  20. i dunno....(hic-up) why...(guzzle).....it would be about.......(buuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppp) you..
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