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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. nope...still looks like Ice Cube to me....can i have your autograph anyway?
  2. well according to the Dyno, it looks as if my bike produces 40.9 HP with 54ft/lbs of torque..hmmmmm id like to get Tony with his STOCK 07 on the dyno to make a comparison. i should get the results of Dans bike tomorrow, we only got one run on the dyno so far...(apparently gas was an issue....didnt have any), so Dan will have some more gas tomorrow, and we should get another run or two on it.
  3. so pete is there anyone that i can marry in your family...i want the rail...or the hauler....or the truck...or.....

    1st trip

    ok, iam 33....but act like a kid...so can i still ride in your car OGP?
  5. just cause i care. and this would make me not want to drink
  6. after parking my dually in the drive, it barley fits, so iam kinda glad that i didnt get his truck, but all good looking rigs anyway, ill take some photos of mine tomorrow and post them
  7. thats the body style that i would like to have had, but i just didnt want to spend the money, thats a great looking rig though.
  8. iam diggin it, but my rig is a 94 7.3 ini can that system work? hmmm maybe since i work for a bike shop....maybe we can work something out eh????
  9. mine will be tuned on the dyno as well on friday...........ill just have numbers on paper for my motor.
  10. well i decided to get rid of my 04 Dodge Ram 1500 gas guzzling truck, and i got a 7.3L Diesel F350. ill post up some pictures of it tomorrow, after all it is 10pm. so if anyone out there has a programmer let me know. ill rent it from you. I need to go get it tuned on a Dyno to pull some extra horses out of it.
  11. nothin but an ambulance ride for me
  12. mope nothing else yet, but there are a few things in the works, and i really cant say anyting till its over which should be tuesday afternoon
  13. worlds biggest RC Car http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=28...stunt&hl=en
  14. pissed kitty http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2228796688476060493 zipline http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7062234250206651667 how not to pull out a car http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7181614257918927545 dogs that kick arse http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3383695521261916155 who said a hummer could fly http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4297115387318878412 the best for last PUG BOWLING i couldnt stop laughing http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-640111152129276570
  15. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1...1866&q=pogo try that? how about one of these i would need one of these
  16. well i got the call today from Henderson police that they think that they might have found my 05 YZ 250, ill have to go see it tomorrow and show them my paperwork and try to recover it. i hope it is in good shape. i dont know what iam gonna do if it is trashed, probably get a hold of some parts and fix it up and sell it.
  17. it is a hella sweet bike, i was diggin it. and i got beat to the punch, its going to be weeks before i get my plastics...dammit but i will say this....i got to sit on it first...ne ner neee ner neeee nerrrr hey tony..wanna buy a yosh pipe?
  18. he got the first 07 YZ450F in white, from my shop. when i found out that we had one, i sent out about 20 texts messages, and 30 minutes later Tony showed up and got the first one. Luck him too, because i was about put an 800.00 Yosh carbon pipe on it too....lol
  19. That would be awesome! iam in. what about a little bit of dune golf as well?
  20. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3...&q=iraq+war it is an hour long, and takes quite a while to load, but it is well worth it. its about a CSH (Combat Support Hospitial), i will tell you to have a strong stomach. Iam currently a reservist and have been for 6 years, i have voluntered for Iraq and Afganastan 4 times. I have spent the better part of 9 years on active duty. I feel their pain. So do me a favor, it dosent take much, but if you know a soldier, meet one, thank them for their service and sacrifice for the love of their family and this wonderful country. thank you all fellow duners SGT Cole A. George Dco 104th 1/415th Drill Sgt Battalion aka Ragdoll MX
  21. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=42...UFFLE&hl=en
  22. no i didnt bid, i still have my eyes on LS2 racers toy hauler, and need to finish paying for the raptor i got for the wifey...
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