iam in New York right now and ill be here for 2 whole weeks, iam already having withdrawls, so i rought my dune videos with me so i can watch them. i just got back from saratoga, we went to the horse races and bet on the ponies, i took 40 and left with 60 so iam up. this weekend iam going to Orange county choppers, maybe ill see Mikey, if i do ill get a picture of him with my DDR Hat on....(our new mascot) :headbang:
either way, its 75 degrees here about 30% humidity, its getting down in the 50s at night, its hella green, and there are somany open fields here to ride in, it will make you sick, all ima thinking about is getting my 450 out and terrorizing some open grass land... well iall be posting pics while iam gone, show you all these tall green and brown things are...the locals call them "Trees"....lol...lol...have you ever heard of anything so silly before?????
well the tribe has spoken and I have to eat now, ill send pictures later