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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo coral..huh??? hmmmmmmmmm
  2. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=83...673&q=sobe+bomb that is a weak sobe bomb here is another one.... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=20...335&q=sobe+bomb this is the only thing iam allowed to play with http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=56...s+and+diet+coke
  3. first off my wife will tell you that iam not allowed to touch gas unless it is going in the bike, i cant run with sissors, and i cant ask stupid questions when iam in victoria secrets....other than that, she has not banned me from watching others do it.
  4. semper fi woody, my father served inthe corp for 33 years, i have served in the army for 12, currently a Reserve Drill SGT. I thank all those who have served and will continue to serve the greatest country on earth. HOOAH! AIRBORNE!
  5. well belive me, there is not alot to do up here...not a dam bit of decent riding area to be found
  6. here iam hard at work bettin on the ponies at Saratoga here iam hard at work watching the kids play in the water at the lake my nephews kickin it DDR Style
  7. :headbang: i have got to know what kind of motor work was done, those things were just sick fast. what king of magicial dust was put in those? i want my 450 to run like that
  8. since its new, it may take a few weeks, but so long as people ar coming in and buying stuff i can get them to bring the discount up higher. and if iam there, i can usually do more, but iam on vacation till the 27th. so look for me after that
  9. happy birthday DDR, iam enjoying you all!!!!!
  10. i have some video from the day after, but i was to busy whoopin on GWH to take any video that night, i think her dad got some good pictures though.
  11. iam in New York right now and ill be here for 2 whole weeks, iam already having withdrawls, so i rought my dune videos with me so i can watch them. i just got back from saratoga, we went to the horse races and bet on the ponies, i took 40 and left with 60 so iam up. this weekend iam going to Orange county choppers, maybe ill see Mikey, if i do ill get a picture of him with my DDR Hat on....(our new mascot) :headbang: either way, its 75 degrees here about 30% humidity, its getting down in the 50s at night, its hella green, and there are somany open fields here to ride in, it will make you sick, all ima thinking about is getting my 450 out and terrorizing some open grass land... well iall be posting pics while iam gone, show you all these tall green and brown things are...the locals call them "Trees"....lol...lol...have you ever heard of anything so silly before????? well the tribe has spoken and I have to eat now, ill send pictures later Cole
  12. nope even better...but its a secret
  13. nope GWH, horns are for us, i am making ken something real special.
  14. give me 50 bucks and ill custom your helmet....you like snakes? reptiles? the cost will cover the paint and some work let me know iam almost done with kens hemet
  15. nope..thats it..your offocially getting ahelmet
  16. ken ill be the prez, iam making you a special helmet, so the next time iam out youll have a special helmet you can wear anywhere
  17. i must be...it must be so secret that i dont even know what it is..... so fill me in
  18. and for 3 easy payments of 29.95, you to can learn to do a flamingo seat stand knac knac
  19. did you find the one missing tiki??
  20. would that be your truck or you on foot
  21. LOST THE DOG!?!?!?!?! i would have been divorced before we got to the bottom of the hill....i think my crazy lil wife loves that dog more than me!
  22. MURDERER!!!!!!!!....oh wait...isnt that fast food?
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