iam not sure about the king of the hill part, i thought that i was doing good on my 2 wheeler (yellow YZ450....complete with fuzzy horn helmet)....untill those black streched YFZ450s came out and handed me my arse.....well its time to strip down and do some motor work now...
I did beat Girl With Horns....ahhhhh felt good..she didnt make any excuses either...she only yelled at me that when i was beating her, she told me not to rub it in by wheeling past her....heheheheh
my buddy Dave got there late, but in the morning we took some good Helmet Cam video, and even got a shot of me crashing...so pete when i get back from NY ill get those vids to ya.
thanks for everyone coming out. Pete worked his butt off, I think he lost some weight doing it...and if you have seen pete he dosent need to loose any more weight...next time you see pete...give him a sammich
well see ya all soon...iam off to NY for 2 weeks