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Everything posted by RAGDOLL MX

  1. oh man Photoshop is going to be great!!!!!!!!!
  2. well iam thinking about leaving my job, (ATV Tour Guide), i was given a job offer at a local motorcycle shop. Iam thinking that it would be a better move, but the pay is a bit lower, Pro's of leaving the current job M-F 9-5 indoors chance to move int management awesome discount on parts no more Drama...and yes there is alot of Drama Cons of leaving current job a bit lower of pay .....ummmm thats all i can think of so what do you think? stay or go. oh yeah iam also putting in my app with Metro PD as well.
  3. no thats not me, thats some other ATV Tour Company in town. iam usually in my Silver Dodge Ram
  4. can we be clear on what the date is?
  5. yeah no problem, it honestly took me about 5 laps to start getting used to it, and after that i started to really get into it,your more than welcome to ride out with me.
  6. it has a slight bend
  7. unless you have a fork lift to get it into anything other than a car hauler trailer, i wouldnt get one, they are heavy, slow and not all that..., i just rode one in coral pink this last weekend, and i was not impressed.


    and iam paying for it today...man am i sore, glad i had today off. It was rather interesting, iam used to open desert/Dunes....5th and pinned...not getting passed by everyone and then a hard turn into a jump.....BUT!!! iam going to do it again..that was a blast. Next time I go out I will have to take some better pics, my wife only got 2 pics of me last night and it was over a turd of a jump. So anyone who has a 2 wheeler, and you want to go. Hit me up
  9. i might want to do another one in a couple of weeks.
  10. nice work!!!!!! to bad i cant afford one....dam the man!
  11. nawww there wasnt alot of people there, if you count the campground and the meadows it might have been 200 people, and it was like having the dunes all to yourself. these are the pics of the Meadows, that where we were camped.
  12. yeah its too much, i have 2 artic tents that you can use and some camping equipment if you need. let me know, iam not using it right now. Cole
  13. did you see me out there? i dont know what your riding or driving. got any pics?
  14. no i didnt see him, and i dont remember seeing a orange buggy, next time i go out there I think that Ill have to have a DDR Flyer or a Flag..... do we have a flag?
  15. http://videos.streetfire.net/hottestvideos...0461a5fc976.htm
  16. if you park or camp in the meadows, you can start riding anytime (according to the rangers) i actually started riding at 8am and quit riding around 7:30pm, and it was daylight up till 9pm. if you go to the state campground, you cant ride till 9am and quiet time starts at 10pm, no generators, no loud music or noise, we were partying at the meadows up till midnight. and we were pretty loud. just keep it to a minimum.
  17. put me right in its place..exactly where you told me...thanks pete
  18. that bike kicks arse...pete is gonna want one baaaaaaaaaad
  19. well with a high of 92 degrees and overcast with some clouds. i found out that the 450 fan good but i need to jet it for going up there quite a bit of loss of power, but still enough for puttin around. also found out: Wife + Crown Royal = huge hangover...not good for ridin old flag mount + "Stiffie" Flag = whip in the arse..left bruise leaving at 12:30am for coral...goooooood getting there at 5:30am......baaaaaaaaaaaaadddd to tired, sill rode. over all.....got a 10 in my book! wish there was some DDR Crew out there.
  20. found a great jump out there. after i measured it out it was 130 ft!!!!!!!!!!
  21. well ill be leaving about the same time on Friday.....4pm...if you want to caravan let me know...its good to run in a pack....pm me if anyone wants to do the same. Cole
  22. well never went riding in Logandale before, and yesterday i ended up going out there, kinda got a late start, so it was already warm when we got there, and it ended up getting up to 113 Degrees. and sitting on top of my bike....yeah it was hot.. BUT! wow what a cool arse riding area!!! rocky trails, then sand dune jumps, sandy trails, i cant wait to go out there after a good rain!!!... :shocked2:
  23. 6K, and ill find out where to get one
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